Ceramic CPUs and HCl/Cl then remove base metals question

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New member
Dec 7, 2011
I started processing gold fingers this week with AP solution. The fingers are stripping nicely. I tossed in a couple broken up ceramic CPUs to see how well the AP could tackle the base metals.

2 days in and the ceramics don't seem to be affected. Maybe I am just not being patient enough. The temperature has dropped down to the 40's at night and 60's in the day.

I would like to know has anyone processed materials using HCl/Cl to dissolve everything, precipitate and drop all metals, then use the AP to remove the base metals, filter and collect the left over precipitate for a final HCL/Cl run to drop the PMs?

I know it takes an extra step or two but if the AP doesn't act as quickly on the ceramics and AR is not the solution of choice, is there going to be too much hassel to make this an option.

As a noob, somethings always seem to work out on paper.
base metal in pins from CPU's will dissolve in AP given enough time (two days isn't long enough).the usual length of time without heat is 7-10 days.
yes. i was referring to ceramic CPU's.you can process the gold plated legs on CPU's in AP without removing them first.as the gold traces and gold under the silicon chip doesnt have a substrate it shouldnt be effected by the AP.you can also remove the legs from IC's and Eproms with AP before you process them further to remove a significant amount of base metal.
I broke the chips into pieces. Not a fine powder but most pieces are about 1/4". I was thinking the HCl was used up till I saw the gas coming off this evening. How do you know when the AP is no longer effective? I guess when your stuff has been sitting in it longer than 10 days and it still has copper. I haven't used the bubbler, but I agitate it daily.

I just took my first batch out. I have to hand it to some of you. You really do make it sound easy. I thought I would throw a few fiber CPUs and a couple ceramic CPUs in with my first batch of fingers. Interesting results.

When i wanted to pour the base metal liquid off, the filters kept getting very clogged. There didn't appear to be material in it though. The sludge at the bottom had gold flake and, well, sludge. It must be the gold that dissolved at the beginning. Probably used too much peroxide? Anyways, I went to the vacuum filter and got the job done. 400ml at a time. I still need to test the solution. I would like to use it if it's still got some power. 3/4 gallon on 200g fingers, 5 ceramic and 10 fiber CPUs. Yeah, it should still have enough juice to take some more material.

Now is time for the fun part. Now i have to get all the gold flake off the fiber CPUs. Hmmmmm I bet I'm not the first to go this route. I bet i do it different next time.

Would it cause a problem If i just put the AP soaked fiber CPU's in the HCl/Cl solution? This filter should be easier. There won't be as much solution to process.
AP can be re-used indefinitely if you add a bubbler to it.remember,its not the hcl that dissolves the copper but the copper chloride.copper chloride will etch copper in the presence of oxygen until the solution looks like worcestershire sauce (thick and brown) like thin mud.
:lol: after it gets saturated and brown and thick let it sit and settle for a week or more covered. do not let water get into the solution.after this time, uncover and the solution will be emerald green with alot of sediment in the bottom.syphon the green solution to a clean container down to the sediment.this sediment will contain PM's like any gold that got dissolved and silver from any solder that was on the material.collect this sediment and rinse well in repeated rinses of water until water stays clear, then dry and process or store for later processing when you have enough to process.replace the green solution add the bubbler and your ready for the next batch. dont forget to add 500 ml or so of fresh muriatic to keep the solution PH down.

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