Chlorine fumes = bad!

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samuel-a said:
Irons said:
Barren Realms 007 said:
I think the gas attacks were stopped in the field in WWI.

goldmelts said:
I read that the HCL-CL method we use for refining, was also used by the Nazi concentration camps to gas the prisoners. Chlorine tablets were dropped in buckets of HCL and the chlorine gas killed them. IT was also used in the war to poison the enemy. This was stopped when they realized the gas can be blow back onto the friendly troops by the wind.

I worked with an ex-waffen ss captain who told me they used Nerve Gas in Russia. He said it was deathly silent afterwords because it killed everything including birds and insects.

His favorite saying was: " Und zen ve get dem mit der 88's"

They paid a terrible price. Only a hand full of his Division ever made it home. They underestimated Russian resolve.

Irons when and wher did you gut the cance to work with an ex-waffen ss captain ? pretty rare i supose...

He was a POW in the US and after the War, the US Government gave him residency because he had fought on the Eastern Front and was considered an Intel asset. He was a member of the Vienna Division and his Tank Company had been sent to Normandie from Russia in preparation for the Whole Division to move West. His Tank was hit and he was captured. He was unrepentant and used to celebrate *'s birthday every year.
The US Govt. gave asylum to a lot of War Criminals.
I pranked him pretty good one day. He ran the Wood Shop at the University where I worked. Every time there was a fire drill, he would curse a blue streak because the Fire Alarm bell was opposite his shop door.
I was walking by one afternoon when the alarm went off and he came out screaming. I said "Ewald, why don't you get a step ladder and take off the bell so it doesn't make any noise." He says: "gut Idea. I do that." He was up on the ladder, unbolting the alarm when the fire department came through the door with hoses in hand. It was a real fire. He turned to me and said: "I get you for dis!" He was pissed.
I worked one Summer when I was 14, for a former * jugen who had fought the Battle of Berlin when he was just 15. He was captured by the Soviets and spent 2 years in the Gulag. He told me, of the 300 inmates in his camp, only about a dozen survived the 2 years he was there. They cut trees 364 days a year from before Dawn until they could no longer see in the Dark. He later became a Blacksmith and started an ornamental Ironworks business in the US. I Apprenticed with him for the Summer.
There are thousands and thousands of former Nazis in the US who were protected by the Government.
yea... i familiar with this phenomenon....

it's sickening but i also know the game of politics and espionage.... that's life....

large portion of my mom's family was murderd in that war by this damn nazi's...
LOL....His Holiness,The Pope,Benedict XVI, was a Waffen SS in his wild youth.Kurt Waldheim,UN Secretary(1972-1981) was a nazi officer....Herr Doktor Hans Frank (my distant uncle),nazi governor of Poland, was sentenced to death by hanging in the Nüremberg Trials.There are many Waffen-SS around the world,so it is easy to find any.

I strongly condemn the atrocities committed by the Nazi regime.

Best regards.

Juan Manuel Arcos Frank said:
LOL....His Holiness,The Pope,Benedict XVI, was a Waffen SS in his wild youth.Kurt Waldheim,UN Secretary(1972-1981) was a nazi officer....Herr Doktor Hans Frank (my distant uncle),nazi governor of Poland, was sentenced to death by hanging in the Nüremberg Trials.There are many Waffen-SS around the world,so it is easy to find any.

I strongly condemn the atrocities committed by the Nazi regime.

Best regards.


Hola Manuel.
His Holiness was way too young to be in Waffen SS, he was member of Hitler Youth /Hitler-Jugend/ and served in army as Anti aircraft corps /The Luftwaffenhelfer/.
patnor 1011:

Yes Sir,you are right and I was wrong...Waffen-SS and Hitler Youth are diferent things but both were part of the Nazi regime.

Every man has the ability to change.

It was not my intention to judge His Holiness,The Pope.I just try to say that it is common to find people with Nazi past,another case is Herr Doktor Wernher vön Braun,creator of V1,V2 rockets.

Every man has the ability to change.

thank goodness this would be hell if it was not so.

Nazi germany, people can be such sheep led over any cliff.
once the mass of sheep were led to this, the more aware got dragged along with the mass.

my hope is, that people wake up so we don't repeat this history lesson. but most are still following one sheep hearder or another.

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