chlorine gas generator

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Well-known member
Mar 28, 2010
i was thinking about producing chlorine gas generator made from HCl and a kind of strong oxidizer ( KMnO4 /K2Cr2O7 etc.) and bubbling my chlorine gas through HCl+ scrap filled beaker to bypass denox
Has somebody tried it before ?
could it be faster than HCL/NaOCl ?

i think it depends on a dispersion of chlorine in my solution, i would like to use as fine bubbles as possible...
The classic route was NaCl + MnO2 + H2SO4 which makes HCl in situ that is oxidized to chlorine gas by the manganese dioxide. It is a stable gas producer.

It will be much faster if you use permanganate or bichromate because they are very potent oxidizers. I'd avoid them and use something much cheaper that does not create a mess of heavy metal ions.
thanks for a great link Lou !
its very useful.
and what do you think about bubbling generated chlorine through HCL with PM scrap ? could it dissolve metals as fast as AR or it will be similiar to HCL/Clorox ?
oh...a little disappointment... AR actually works on a full metal material ?
HNO3+3HCl->NOCl + Cl2 +2H20
in same time decomp. 2NOCl -> 2NO +Cl2
NOCl + H2O -> HNO3+HNO2+NO+HCl
and in same time nitric helps to oxidize metals (Au inc.) and helps increasing reaction surface . exotermic reaction - increasing speed

there are much more ways and helping semi-reactions to oxidize metal in AR as in HCL + CL2(i will never achieve perfect absorption of CL2 in HCl sol. and temperature helps relasing CL2 from sol.)

Am I right ? i am only thinking loudly....

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