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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2010
i got about 15 pounds of older computer memory. mostly SD ram all with the gold fingers. anyone now the approx amount of gold per found of memory. also is the only gold on the fingers or is there some in the chips too. i noticed some of the sticks i got have gold contacts on the back where memory chips were never soldered on. im saving those out to scrape the chips off. i noticed that this memory on ebay gets high prices when sold in lots $10-15 per pound. i was thinking of selling it but i decided to go ahead and start cutting off the fingers. seem like if people woould pay $200+ for 15lbs of this there should be a good amount more then that worth of gold.
The memory with fingers cut off are still worth about half, so don't trash them. The memory stick gold content is on the forum if you use the search button.

The fingers on the ram will run about 25 cents each if memory serves me right. And yes some of the chips have gold as well that are on the sticks.
We tried to work it out some time back(Steve gets the credit),1 pound of memory yields approximately 1 ounce of fingers(cut close).16 lbs of memory yields approximately 1 pound of fingers.1 pound of fingers yields approximately 3-4 grams of gold.
Don't forget about the monolithic capacitors you will find on most memeory sticks as well. A large majority of them contain Pd and/or Ag in relatively high percentages (1-2% of the capacitor weight) as e-scrap goes.

In some rare cases the monolithics contain Au and/or Pt also.

And sticks scraped clean still have value for copper

edit There is not much more value than 15$ per pound average.
azgard said:
i noticed some of the sticks i got have gold contacts on the back where memory chips were never soldered on. im saving those out to scrape the chips off.
Sorry I missed this when I read your post the first time.Yes those are in fact gold plated,and they are the same gauge plating that is on the fingers.It is advised to remove the chips from these sticks,because the plating is under all of them as well.Every ddr and sdram style stick that has this added gold plating,will yield approximately double that of the sticks without plating on the "contact pads".
Editted for spelling......see even I make spelling mistakes.
shyknee said:
And sticks scraped clean still have value for copper
True,and there are companies that will purchase your stripped memory for that purpose alone.
We need to thank Lazersteve for taking the time,and energy, to figure those calculations on memory.This forum would not be what it is without him and the other mods.

Hats off to you for taking the time to credit your sources. So many people in the world today overlook the need to give credit where credit is due. For this I commend you.

In the scientific community (and other professions) it is highly frowned upon not to properly credit your sources.

On the topic of gold yields from e-scrap, I want to also mention that Chris Owen (GoldSilverPro) deserves credit for his work on gold surface area/volume calculations. He has put a lot of effort into getting very accurate results form his estimates. A lot of what he has posted here on the subject will undoubtedly turn up in guides and other 'sources' around the Internet.

To still have words from these guys that came before US years from now will undoubtedly be the best advice and learned knowledge we won't have to learn.The true reason in any forum is to save the next guy some failures that didn't have to be repeated.I have learned to take my time,protect myself and others,the land the same.What gold or value is there for most part you will not lose it.If you are patient and stop long enough to leave it where u first lost it .If the test for gold is positive.Do you even know where it is or was in first place .Until I can afford to get some gold,any small trinket or amount to dissolve and test.. The balance of several people and experience .Especially specific types of gold.There are descriptions of other metals and most reagents used to get what you can to work with and get job done ..9999 gold?Is that not what all of us came to this forum to gain?I need to take a small 10 carat charm,1.04 grams and separate it to use for gold test solution .To gain knowledge of separating gold first.Well start,being safe so what I need to safely accomplish this.I will look for this in forum.Till then my eprom pile will become larger and I will maybe do the process here,may sell them,or might still have a couple when asked by one of you.Thanks for all,lazersteve,goran,and all the people out to share,learn,teach,and write their experience for another person to be a success instead of failure.
To still have words from these guys that came before US years from now will undoubtedly be the best advice and learned knowledge we won't have to learn.The true reason in any forum is to save the next guy some failures that didn't have to be repeated.I have learned to take my time,protect myself and others,the land the same.What gold or value is there for most part you will not lose it.If you are patient and stop long enough to leave it where u first lost it .If the test for gold is positive.Do you even know where it is or was in first place .Until I can afford to get some gold,any small trinket or amount to dissolve and test.. The balance of several people and experience .Especially specific types of gold.There are descriptions of other metals and most reagents used to get what you can to work with and get job done ..9999 gold?Is that not what all of us came to this forum to gain?I need to take a small 10 carat charm,1.04 grams and separate it to use for gold test solution .To gain knowledge of separating gold first.Well start,being safe so what I need to safely accomplish this.I will look for this in forum.Till then my eprom pile will become larger and I will maybe do the process here,may sell them,or might still have a couple when asked by one of you.Thanks for all,lazersteve,goran,and all the people out to share,learn,teach,and write their experience for another person to be a success instead of failure.
Welcome to us.

That was a hard read.
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