confused, WHERE TO START?

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May 19, 2008
Iron Springs Alberta
HI GUYS, ok i think i'll start with a filled tooth, and then some old 18k gold
but first i need chemicals and some tools, would any of you guys like to send me a box, i don't need much too get a start, help please. i am from canada.

If you are starting from scratch you might want to start on something simple. Fillings and karat gold require more equipment. I noticed in an earlier post that you had old computer parts. Fingers in AP is one of the easiest ways to get a start with easy to find chemicals.

Watch lasersteves videos for AP and fingers. They will help you greatly.
hi oz, yea, i can't find enough of them, maybe just for a start, but i need chemicals, i am a farmer, maybe i can mix some fertilizer, i do have some wicked drain cleaner (sulferic acid), i can fix meself a torch no problem, but still need the rest of the stuff. thanks , David
dj_pigs said:
HI GUYS, ok i think i'll start with a filled tooth,

If the tooth is a silver amalgam, I suggest you avoid messing with it until you know how to safely deal with mercury. The filling would be less than 50% silver, so there's not much value, anyway. Be careful to not heat the tooth, which would evaporate the mercury.


I get old computers and cards by the truckload for free from the local repair shops. They know what I do with them and are just happy to see the parts separated and recycled instead of going into the landfill.

You won’t get rich recovering gold from computers. As lasersteve has often said “it’s a labor of love”.

A small handful of fingers is fine to learn the process and will give you a nice little glittery vial of reasonably pure gold using just muriatic acid (masonry cleaner) and hydrogen peroxide from the drug store. You can then take it farther if you wish and refine it to a very pure state.

Pay attention to Harold! I’m glad he said something to you about heating the tooth. Breathing evaporated mercury can put you in the hospital and even kill you! My bad for missing it.

These things can be dangerous but read first, and Harold’s recommended book by Hoke is a great way to learn and stay out of trouble.

You will not get rich from recovering gold from computers but you can make a decent supplemental income recycling computers. I have been doing it very part time for 6 months now and have no gold buttons yet but I do have about $2000 in my pocket. By very part time I mean I work at this about 6 hours a week. Little over $13 per hour cash.

I currently have just over 1g of nice tan powder waiting for more powder to make my first button. This weekend I am starting to process my first 5 lbs of fingers that I have been saving up over the last couple months. I am hoping for 10g or more yield.
hi, just found out that i have been using muriatic acid for washing rocks, from home hardware, ok so now where do i find out how to mix in AP for striping. ( OZ ), thanks.
While I appreciate your enthusiasm I am concerned for your safety because it seems you are in a hurry to just try to mix up something. The most experienced on here (I’m not in that group) get unexpected surprises that are dangerous. If you rush with some of these chemicals and acids you will get hurt, blinded, or killed. No joke!

Make sure you get eye protection and chemical gloves at an absolute minimum. Then make sure you have read everything you can find on the process you plan on trying. I suggested AP because you mentioned computer parts and it is one of the simpler and safer methods. That does not mean it is absolutely safe. You mentioned using muriatic on stone, you have seen what it does to stone now imagine a drop splashing up in your eye.

After you think you have an understanding from reading about AP on the forum go to Steve’s site and read what he has there; and watch his videos so you can see the process. Then by all means ask about what you are not sure of.

It is not something were someone just sends you a box of stuff and you start.

I’m sorry if I just offended you but I want you to be safe and come back to tell us about your first button of gold :D , not a hospital visit.

hi Oz , i have trouble with login to Steve's site, wrong password. Sorry for seeming to be a bit anxious here, i have been collecting since i joined. 8)
Another thing, i used to buy etching from Radio Shack to make printed boards , that stuff eats copper, i can not remember what is in it. David

Nice call on the radio shack etching fluid as that is what you are making with AP for pennies on the dollar. The chemicals may not be the same with the 2 but AP eats the base metals out from under the gold to free it from the fingers.

I’m glad you took what I said in a good way. Enjoy your research, this can be a fun hobby as well as but a little change in your pocket if you get serious about it.
Allright...MR. STEVE :shock: i knew there was somebody like you on this forum, is there any way i could download all of these video's in one link. i have a slow connection here. it takes me forever to watch 1 video clip. thanks David
I do not offer a video download. The files should cache on your pc once you view them the first time.

I sell DVDs of the popular ones if you can't get them on your internet connection.


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