Copper nitrate treatment by hydroxide precipitation - filtration

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Well-known member
Oct 8, 2016
I have recently purchased a 5 gallon vacuum receiver as well as 18” Buchner. Can anyone suggest a filtration cloth that works well for this material. Precipitation will be with potassium hydroxide slowly introduced under jiffy mixer stirring to pH 11 or so. So the liquid will be caustic.
Metal hydroxide sludges don't filter easily, usually a filter press is used. I have seen smaller producers using a wicking cloth with the hydroxides to to wick the water fraction away to a lower placed receiver. That the water just drips into. No vacuum just wicking action.
I know. In a perfect world I’d have the filter press set up, but I don’t have time right now.

I’d kill for a small filter press. Basically 12” round cakes 1” thick. I’ve never found one.
I started out with filter press, so I’ve always felt it was “beneath me” because frankly, it’s hard to keep it clean when it’s a t shirt over a bucket….but I think I will try wicking it with a few modifications.

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