CPU and AR and pins and AP?

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2012
Why can I process CPUs in AR without Removeing base metal but not be able to process pins in AR without base metal removal first? Just did poor mans AR on CPUs and am very pleased! New torch tomoro and a button soon!
It is not that you cannot do it, it just there are much easier and better ways, less trouble, using the other methods, and less chance of loosing your gold, Aqua regia is hard enough when using it with pure gold add base metals and it complicates the process, more base metals the more trouble and the greater your chances of losing your values, without and understanding the process completely it can very well mean no gold recovered.
Add tin from solder and you really begin to have problems.
CPU's have a very small amount of base metal to gold content, which make it less trouble.

I could probably drag that little donkey up that mountain, but why would I go to all that trouble, when could just I ride him up that mountain much easier.
have you ever tried to mechanically remove the pins from a ceramic CPU? try one and you will see why AR is recommended.
Yeah I did try, it wasn't happening. Kovar is pretty tough. I just did About a lb. last night.

I was really pleased with the poor mans AR. Thanks for helping me wrap my brain around it Butcher and Geo.
One main reason that AR is good for ceramic cpus is because the majority of the weight of the cpu is insoluble ceramic and not solid copper or brass like many pins are. You still end up with gold that needs to refined a second time so the process should be considered a recovery process, not refining on the first go around.


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