cpu pins

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Well-known member
Jul 22, 2011
i got the pins off the plastic cpu`s with a torch and slinging them into a stainless pot but the black plastic ones and another kind of green plastic ones with very small pins that only take up half the room of the cpus just don`t want to come off, is there some special way of doing these :?:
i`ll take pictures tomorow afternoon, these once you knock off a metal back plate it leaves a square hole in the middle, i`ll try and get the name too, by the way Lazersteve from listening to his vids sounds like he`s from your part of the world too.
so here`s the pics of the black ones, both sides and the green ones, both sides. on the black ones i could read intel pentium or intel celeron. on the green ones i could read intel xion.


  • PDRM0567.JPG
    150.9 KB · Views: 2,146
  • PDRM0568.JPG
    125 KB · Views: 2,146
callicom said:
i got the pins off the plastic cpu`s with a torch and slinging them into a stainless pot but the black plastic ones and another kind of green plastic ones with very small pins that only take up half the room of the cpus just don`t want to come off, is there some special way of doing these :?:

You can process the whole cpus (without lids) in 35% HNO3, filter, incinerate, crush and leach all the solids with AR.

lazersteve said:
You can process the whole cpus (without lids) in 35% HNO3, filter, incinerate, crush and leach all the solids with AR.
Wouldn't there be too much pcb to incinerate without an afterburner?
I used to run them in dillute Hcl until solution is saturated,decant,fresh AR, filter,then precipitate,and double dissolve the powder.I just sell them now.
lazersteve said:
callicom said:
i got the pins off the plastic cpu`s with a torch and slinging them into a stainless pot but the black plastic ones and another kind of green plastic ones with very small pins that only take up half the room of the cpus just don`t want to come off, is there some special way of doing these :?:

You can process the whole cpus (without lids) in 35% HNO3, filter, incinerate, crush and leach all the solids with AR.

what is hn03, forgive my ignorance :mrgreen: this is a new one for me
callicom said:
what is hn03
I strongly urge you to become familiar with googling terms,and abreviations.I understand that a lot of this is overwhelming,but searching HNO3 on google brings back over 41 million hits,and I would bet the farm that most of them say Nitric Acid.We also have a guidebook here on the forum that contains terminologies and answers to a lot of very basic questions......questions that can easily be found either in the guide or using the "search" window at the top of the screen.
You can become familiar with a lot of information here.
thats a lot easier, thanks, i went on a web site for chemical abreviations and it had no answer for hn03
callicom said:
thats a lot easier, thanks, i went on a web site for chemical abreviations and it had no answer for hn03

The way you have written hn03 suggests you were looking on that website for hno(zero)3 when it should have been hno3(the letter o for oxygen) and is probably why you didn't get any hits.
I guess you didn't look too hard



That is a google search for H20 instead of H2O.
People need to make sure of they are searching for.

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