Crock Pot

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Yeah, I have used small pyrex bowl, let them sit there in AP with air bubler until there was no visible gold on pins. Then I filtered solution, wash, then HCl/Cl. Normal AP process. There might be some gold dissolved and still in AP but I will get that later right now there are more pins in crock pot...
OK, still trying to understand what you did here. Were did you get this .2 gram gold bead from?
Were there gold foils you were able to seperate from the pins?
If so, how did you seperate them? Just by rinsing?
I would say, especially with this bubbler, and the fact it seems little copper was disolved, that
a fair amount of your gold (percentage wise) from this little experiment, is still in the solution.
There was gold visible in bowl in form of milions little fine powder like flakes. I have got out some amount of very fine brown/blackish powder too. I have filtered all that, rinsed pins several times with HCl and water. AP was dark brown/black. From all this I got that little bead. I have combined that with powder I got from from some fire alarm panels contact areas which were gold plated and few fingers from video cards and ram sticks. Resulting buton is in galery section. Today I will take picture of that fingers, processed pins to see what amounts were involved. As I stated these were low grade pins - I meant that they were all from old computers but not fully plates only in contact parts.
Now I have another cca 300g pins processed in the same maner and I am dropping gold from AuCl so in the evening I will have another gold bead. I will try to put together weights of materials involved. All this were only experiments - small test batches to find out if my set up is working, if I am not loosing gold out somewhere in the process. It is very hard to properly rinse bigger amounts of pins as I still can see some small mini flakes in my waste bucket with pins processed. I am not throwing anything out as I am not fully confident that I have mastered out AP process.
To your question Platdigger yes some of them were slightly magnetic. I will send that bead to my friend to xray that to find out more about quality of that gold.

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