cupriavidus metalliduran and colloidal gold nanoparticals

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Sep 18, 2016
So this bacteria precipitates gold. My question is can it help me precipitate some gold metal from a colloidal solution nanoparticles
How does this keep coming up? It's an experimental method with many unresolved issues (like, how to separate the precipitated gold from the rest of the bacterial waste?).

I believe you should stick to well-known, tried and true methods. Let the academics have their experimental fun--I'm sure we'll hear about it if an engineer or technologist turns their findings into something practical.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy using Tapatalk, possibly while under the influence of alcohol.
I'm really fascinated by this bacteria :lol: I know that sounds weird.

On some sites they sell it for like 300 dollars. I was thinking of finding contaminated waste zinc and nickel metal. Maybe a contaminated penny. Maybe the bacteria will appear there.

Got any ideas
13ishmael said:
I'm really fascinated by this bacteria :lol: I know that sounds weird.

On some sites they sell it for like 300 dollars. I was thinking of finding contaminated waste zinc and nickel metal. Maybe a contaminated penny. Maybe the bacteria will appear there.

Got any ideas

Waste of time IMHO oponion. But you can still continue down this path I have been wrong before and will be at times in the future.
I've never been averse to new methods. However there's a world of difference between grasping and understanding and knowing the basic methods with proven results and looking for a new improved method without practical experience of the old ones.

The old ones aren't perfect but they do work. Knowing those inside out provides a great basis for improvisation and experimentation.

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