Did I stump the panel on SMB? And an AP question.

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Active member
Sep 19, 2007
Not a single reply to my request for help/answers to my SMB drop problem. (SMB Drop...Help?)
Does this mean that no one has an answer, or cannot comment how whether or not battery acid added to grey powder solution and boiling down is a viable solution to recovering the gold?

If I have done anything (I sure didn't realize I had) to garner a "black-balled" status to be ignored, it would help if I knew what it was.

Thanks in advance...

Oh, and one more question... I am soaking some pins on boards in a 2:1 AP solution (2 gallons of Muriatic and 1 gallon 3% Peroxide). How long does it normally take to remove the pins base metals? Does it need to be aerated to accelerate the process. They are on heavy server boards with large pins poking through on both sides. I cut them into individual strips and they are standing vertically in a 5 gallon pail so as the pins break down, the boards can just fall into a leaning position, not stacking flat on each other.
I'm not certain about your question. However, I'm interested in the yields of what you are processing.

Somebody will be along to answer your question. Can you post the yield and the picture of the button once you're finished? I'd love to have some data on the pins you're processing.
Vigorous agitation speeds up AP. An aerator wouldn't hurt but the solution in the photo looks very fresh. It's gonna take awhile.

3 gallons of AP is a huge amount. If you had removed the pins from those boards you could have accomplished the job with a few cups of AP. The pins might be difficult to strip, it's best to try a small sample before doing anything big (a few pins in a AP in a petri dish). Some pins are buggers to dissolve.
Too many blisters trying to remove the pins by hand :!:
They are fairly thick and there were almost 700 on each board (And that was after cutting the boards into 4 pieces! Over 4 lbs per board starting weight.) That is why I cut them down even further to soak off.

All I need to do is look at the bucket to get agitated....oops, I guess you meant physically...lol
Thanks...will do.

If I ever get the gold off and buttoned, will do as far as pics and yield.

Also, the reference to the other question...about stumping the panel.
That question is a few days earlier in this same forum area.
Just look a few topics further down... SMB drop...Help?

I've posted an answer to your previous post. I remember seeing it late the other night and was going to reply after reading through the days new posts. I lost it after finsihing my intial readings. Sorry about that. The situation you encountered was not diffcult to understand or resolve.

On the topic of adding battery acid, you should never randomly start adding additional ingredients to any solution in a blind attempt to solve whats already a problem batch. Sulfuric acid can produce several insoluble precipitates that would only complicate the answer further.

For this question, simply put the required time will most likely be around 1 week. The fact that you added the boards coated with solder may actually extend this time. The tin in the solder can eat up the free acid which is needed to keep the AP regenerating cycle going. The lead in the solder can form many insoluble compounds also.

To quickly remove the pins you can get a good set of diagonal cutters or even some mini 6" bolt cutters and snip away.

Remember GIGO- Garbage In = Garbage Out

Lessons learned....thanks to all for responding for taking the time to respond.
Hi Crip,

I use the same set up you do with the 2 gallons of muratic and 1 gallon of 3% perixoide. The only difference is that I use a strainer as an inner bucket that also holds my air hose. I used hot glue to attach the hose and use a cheap pump to bubble. I call it big boy. I attached a few pictures of the bubbler. In t+12 hours (12 hours after I put a 8 x 14 inch wire wrap board with the wires attached) you can see there is noticable reactionl I stripped the whole board in less then 48 hours.

Good luck....Jack


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Thanks Jack, .... cool pics and idea!

I have some air bubblers...a couple of 50 cfms and one 100 cfm.
I just need to go to the pet shop and get some new hoses.
The basket is a great idea.

Thanks again for the info and pics!


Just thought I would tell you that I found a fault in the strainer idea. It floats to the top when the card(s) are removed. I took some PVC piping and installed into the basket, holds it down in the bucket and is easy to pull out. I included a couple of pics to show you. the last one show all the gold foils floating in the brew. I have stripped 3 boards without removing any of the wire wrap,, though i did remove the IC's, etc. Got four more in the brew and added some more peroxide.

Good Luck...JAck


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Neat idea.
I am not so ambitious since I will just collect the pieces though a filter when done.
The aeration is working fine...and I was surprised when I pulled out some of the boards to make room for the air stones in the bottom, that many pins had already started falling off. So, this additional movement should really accelerate things.


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Be aware that airstones tend to fall apart in AP. I seal the end of my tubing with heat then put small holes along the length I will have in solution.
The solution does have a green tint to it (as in the original pics)....the camera doesn't show that. But it is a clean solution, not cloudy or full of junk...(yet...lol...fingers crossed).

I am using 6 inch long airstones....if they fall apart I will replace them. They were only a $1.50 at Wally mart. They aerate so very good...tons of fine-sized frothing bubble action. Much better than an open hose.

Your idea of sealing and punching holes in the tubing is a neat idea. I would imagine using a needle and going on a stabbing frenzy would be the only way to get close to the fine bubble levels though.

Thanks guys!
Just thought I'd add some progress pics on the AP strip of the pins to show it's working pretty good :)


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I leave my pins in the AP. It desolves the base metal and the gold foils float throught out the solution. I filtered the 3 gallons this weekend and recovered 2.3 grams of gold powder. Not to bad for a week....Jack
Great setup! I may have to try that with a big batch of ribbon cable connectors I have been saving, about 25 pounds worth so far.


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