Displace the gold and drop it with iron in the aqua regia

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Anbat Gold

Dec 3, 2022
Is it possible to use iron shavings to drop gold from aqua regia by the single displacement method and precipitate it directly without the need for nitric neutralization?
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هل من الممكن استخدام نشارة الحديد لإسقاط الذهب من أكوا ريجيا بطريقة الإزاحة الفردية وترسيبها مباشرة دون الحاجة إلى معادلة النيتريك؟
This is an international forum, so if you expect to get help you need to post in English.
Is it possible to use iron shavings to drop gold from aqua regia by the single displacement method and precipitate it directly without the need for nitric neutralization?
Yes. But it would be quite dirty drop, alongside with copper and other base metals also precipitating. Iron need to first deplete oxidizing power of AR solution - so some of it dissolve to kill nitric residues and only then it would precipitate gold. Copper is better choice. But iron will also work, of course. If you do not add terrible excess, it could be done in theory in a way that you only displace gold alongside with small ammount of base metals - but I would choose copper to do this.
أعددت كبريتات الحديدوز بإذابة الحديد في View attachment 53541 حامض الكبريتيك المركز بتركيز 98٪ وأصبح لون المحلول بني داكن أسود. هل هذا الحل مناسب لاستعادة الذهب من أكوا ريجيا؟ ما هي الكمية التي يجب خلطها مع أكوا ريجيا؟
I prepared ferrous sulfate by dissolving iron in concentrated sulfuric acid with a concentration of 98% and the color of the solution became dark brown black. Is this solution suitable for recovering gold from aqua regia? What is the quantity that should be mixed with aqua regia?IMG_20221203_185220.jpg
I prepared ferrous sulfate by dissolving iron in concentrated sulfuric acid with a concentration of 98% and the color of the solution became dark brown black. Is this solution suitable for recovering gold from aqua regia? What is the quantity that should be mixed with aqua regia?View attachment 53542
We usually either buy it or use diluted Sulphuric acid, it is supposed to be a pale green color and when you dry it, clear greenish crystals.
These yellow foams are the result of the interaction of aqua regia, previously mixed with hydrazine and the remainder of the work, with concentrated iron sulfate.


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These yellow foams are the result of the interaction of aqua regia, previously mixed with hydrazine and the remainder of the work, with concentrated iron sulfate.
Why are you using Hydrazine in your AR for then using "Copperas"?
Is it Hydrazine Hydrate or Hydrazine Sulfate?

And then: Are there a question in here?
I used urea to neutralize the nitric, then I used hydrazine hydrate at a concentration of 80% in the process of recovering gold from royal water and a white precipitate appeared to me, then after that I added a solution of iron sulphate at a concentration of 98% and those yellow foams appeared
I used urea to neutralize the nitric, then I used hydrazine hydrate at a concentration of 80% in the process of recovering gold from royal water and a white precipitate appeared to me, then after that I added a solution of iron sulphate at a concentration of 98% and those yellow foams appeared
So your main source of learning have been Youtube?
Stop what you have been doing NOW.
Then start learning before yourself or someone close to you get injured or worse.
Put your solutions away in safe place out of reach of children and animals.

Read C.M. Hokes book and start searching the forum, espetiallty the safety and dealing with waste sections..
Before you do anything new, ask for advice on the forum so you do not create another mess.

Urea is not recommended for denoxing, neutralizing is to add a caustic substance like NaOH in it to increase the pH to 7.
Better use Sulfamic acid.

Hydrazine Hydrate is Carcinogenic and can Explode by itself in High concentrations, so almost no one use it, too dangerous.
After adding it to the solution there should be nothing left so the Copperas would have been a waste to use.
I understand that, unfortunately, I listened to the advice of one of them and it seems that he is an amateur. After that, you actually used fumigation to neutralize the nitric acid and add hydrolic during fumigation. Then I used concentrated iron sulphate at a rate of 98% to recover gold. The last experiment was successful, unlike urea and hydrazine, which was a failure.IMG_20221206_174730.jpg
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I understand that, unfortunately, I listened to the advice of one of them and it seems that he is an amateur. After that, you actually used fumigation to neutralize the tetrapec and add hydrolic during fumigation. Then I used concentrated iron sulphate at a rate of 98% to recover gold. The last experiment was successful, unlike urea and hydrazine, which was a failure.
Can you explain what the bold text shows.
In my eyes it do not make any sense.
Can you explain what the bold text shows.
In my eyes it do not make any sense.
After that, I used the evaporation method to neutralize nitric acid and add hydraulics. During evaporation, I added sodium bicarbonate solution as an alkali to ensure the neutralization of nitric acid.
After that, I used the evaporation method to neutralize nitric acid and add hydraulics. During evaporation, I added sodium bicarbonate solution as an alkali to ensure the neutralization of nitric acid.
ONCE AGAIN. You do not want to NEUTRALIZE the Nitric, (unless you are treating it for waste disposal), you want to deNOx it, remove excess Nitrates and NOx gases.
The best way is not to have too much in the beginning.
Next is to use Sulfamic acid, then evaporation as a last resort. Evaporation needs to be doe until almost dry, not just a bit.
So you added Bicarbonate during evaporation????

Can you please explain step by step what you did and why, I'm utterly confused.

And what do you mean by hydraulics? In my world that is oil under pressure to do some kind of heavy job.
ONCE AGAIN. You do not want to NEUTRALIZE the Nitric, (unless you are treating it for waste disposal), you want to deNOx it, remove excess Nitrates and NOx gases.
The best way is not to have too much in the beginning.
Next is to use Sulfamic acid, then evaporation as a last resort. Evaporation needs to be doe until almost dry, not just a bit.
So you added Bicarbonate during evaporation????

Can you please explain step by step what you did and why, I'm utterly confused.

And what do you mean by hydraulics? In my world that is oil under pressure to do some kind of heavy job.
I heated the royal water and evaporated an amount of the solution equivalent to the amount of nitric acid that makes up the royal water, and then added an amount of hydrolic acid (HCl) - the component of the aqua regia - equivalent to what was lost from the royal water during evaporation, then after completing the heating process I I put a solution of sodium bicarbonate in order to weaken the nitric acid's ability to oxidize, then I added concentrated iron sulfate - 98% sulfuric acid concentration - in order to recover gold from aqua regia. I don't know if that was right or wrong, but in the end those steps were better. From using urea as a neutralizer and hydrazine hydrate as a precipitant, I work in southern Egypt near the Egyptian-Sudanese border, and I do not know a good way to extract gold from rocks and sands, given that the sulfur content in the rock and sand pillars is very high
I do not know the uses of sulfamic acid, how to use it, and whether its role is to prevent oxidation caused by nitric acid, what is its function exactly?
I heated the royal water and evaporated an amount of the solution equivalent to the amount of nitric acid that makes up the royal water, and then added an amount of hydrolic acid (HCl) - the component of the aqua regia - equivalent to what was lost from the royal water during evaporation, then after completing the heating process I I put a solution of sodium bicarbonate in order to weaken the nitric acid's ability to oxidize, then I added concentrated iron sulfate - 98% sulfuric acid concentration - in order to recover gold from aqua regia. I don't know if that was right or wrong, but in the end those steps were better. From using urea as a neutralizer and hydrazine hydrate as a precipitant, I work in southern Egypt near the Egyptian-Sudanese border, and I do not know a good way to extract gold from rocks and sands, given that the sulfur content in the rock and sand pillars is very high
We need to get this clear.
We are working with chemistry here and one letter wrong might be the difference of success or failure or even life or death.
One need to be absolutely clear with regards to chemicals.

AR is Aqua Regia
HCl is HydroChloric acid
Neutralize is to bring something to a pH of 7 which is neutral.
To bring a Aqua Regia to a condition where the Nitric do not oxidize any more, we call deNOxing,
it can be done with Urea but it is not complete and can create unfavorable substances.
And it do not attack the NOx gases.
Sulfamic acid converts the nitrates and NOx gases to Sulfuric acid, which in turn will drop any lead in solution as Lead sulfate.

First a few questions.
Have you had your ore tested to see what is in it?
Dumping ore into acids may end up being the last thing you do.
It can contain, Arsenic, Cadmium, Mercury or other toxic substances, so you NEED to know what is in your ore.

How do you prepare your AR? Just premix HCl and Nitric???
AquaRegia is considered a bad Idea for ores, it is expensive and any precious metals can cement out during the leaching.
Cyanide, Cyanate, Ferri/Ferro cyanides and Hypochlorate leaches are much more usable for ores, and much cheaper.

Adding caustic substances is not recommended, the solution should be around 2 ish pH to get a favorable result on drops.

Hydrazine is not something one do anywhere near anyone unless you dream of getting all kinds of Cancers.
It is both carcinogenic and a potential creator of explosives, actually worse than Urea.
And expensive I believe, so drop that.

I suggest you find the book I recommended and start reading, and these things will be revealed,
it is old though so the use of Sulfamic has not yet been discovered.
We need to get this clear.
We are working with chemistry here and one letter wrong might be the difference of success or failure or even life or death.
One need to be absolutely clear with regards to chemicals.

AR is Aqua Regia
HCl is HydroChloric acid
Neutralize is to bring something to a pH of 7 which is neutral.
To bring a Aqua Regia to a condition where the Nitric do not oxidize any more, we call deNOxing,
it can be done with Urea but it is not complete and can create unfavorable substances.
And it do not attack the NOx gases.
Sulfamic acid converts the nitrates and NOx gases to Sulfuric acid, which in turn will drop any lead in solution as Lead sulfate.

First a few questions.
Have you had your ore tested to see what is in it?
Dumping ore into acids may end up being the last thing you do.
It can contain, Arsenic, Cadmium, Mercury or other toxic substances, so you NEED to know what is in your ore.

How do you prepare your AR? Just premix HCl and Nitric???
AquaRegia is considered a bad Idea for ores, it is expensive and any precious metals can cement out during the leaching.
Cyanide, Cyanate, Ferri/Ferro cyanides and Hypochlorate leaches are much more usable for ores, and much cheaper.

Adding caustic substances is not recommended, the solution should be around 2 ish pH to get a favorable result on drops.

Hydrazine is not something one do anywhere near anyone unless you dream of getting all kinds of Cancers.
It is both carcinogenic and a potential creator of explosives, actually worse than Urea.
And expensive I believe, so drop that.

I suggest you find the book I recommended and start reading, and these things will be revealed,
it is old though so the use of Sulfamic has not yet been discovered.

The recommended Hokes book on precious metals refining can be found in Frugalrefiners signature line, I've added those links to mine as well

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