alb320 said:
Harold, I have tried to make this process without reactor, and I have extracted 60 gr of gold titled at 800 for 1.5 kg of this iron.
Is this the correct way?
Thank you so much
I'm not clear on what you're saying, alb320. I'll take a shot at what I think you're asking, however.
It's clear you are working with metal that contains values----so I can assume that your question is what way would be correct.
My opinion, not having ever experienced what you're doing, would be that either of the possibilities, (HCl, or AR) can work, depending on how you deal with the solution. If you dissolve with AR, there's going to be a point where all of the values will self precipitate, leaving behind only base metals in solution, with the values having settled out by cementing on the traces of remaining material, in essence, in this case, the ore, or feed material. As long as you can continue to recover the values in that fashion, you'll be eliminating the unwanted materials, and concentrating the values. At some point, you'll have to put everything in solution so you can precipitate the values to eliminate the last traces of base metals.
I think what I'd do is experiment with small lots, using only HCl for one lot, and AR for the other. One may show distinct advantages over the other, so I'd go with the one that does. Bottom line here is I'm not convinced there's a right or wrong way, and I'm pretty hard headed about thinking that is usually the case. It may be here, too, but determining which one may come only after your experiments.
The one comment I would contribute is I would NOT try to get everything in solution, then hope for the precipitation process to sort the values from the base metals. Get rid as much of the base metals as you can before finally dissolving the values, insuring that you get good quality gold from the process.
Sounds like you have a fun and profitable project going. Please keep us advised on your progress.
Best of luck,