Does anyone have first hand experience of these ceramics?

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Has anyone ACTUALLY processed any of these chips below? I'm trying to work out whether they are basically rubbish, or warrant some grinding up and processing?

There is definitely a many layered structure in the ceramic core but recommendations from people who have done these would be gratefully accepted. They are from IBM mainframe systems.

Thanks in advance.



  • IBM chips.jpg
    IBM chips.jpg
    2.7 MB · Views: 508
I ran them once before, but not independently. They came part of a massive heap of such gold plated things.

I think there is gold also inside.

At this point, I think you should consider a grinding mill and a fire assay setup, no?
Thanks guys

Yes Nick they are mine mate. Lou I've got a few that are damaged so I'll grind them up and see what I get whilst keeping the perfect ones to one side.

Dave can you show me where you got your $5 pricing please?
spaceships said:
Thanks guys

Yes Nick they are mine mate. Lou I've got a few that are damaged so I'll grind them up and see what I get whilst keeping the perfect ones to one side.

Dave can you show me where you got your $5 pricing please?

i will try to find it again.
Ok, a little confused here then, because now I can't understand where the $5 came from at all.

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