Driving me crazy

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Well-known member
Jul 30, 2011
I followed Lazersteve's video and used the muriatic acid and peroxide mix to take of foils. Done the filtering to take out the foils then dissolved in muriatic/bleach mix. I waited 24-48 hours for the chlorine to evap from the mix it is a green color. I am not sure how much has been dissolved in this mix since I have been doing this process to alot of items and following steves video and everything works fine till I get to dropping of the gold. I read on a few other posts that the solution should be heated and some posts there is no mention of heating. I took about 2 cups of liguid measured out 1g of SMB and stirred and slowly poured into mix and nothing happened. I would add pics but I cant get any up on the forum to show but it is like a lime greenish. And before the word stannous comes across the replies I dont think I did it properly. Figures I can make chocolate mousse from scratch but dammed if I can make gold drop haha.

Ok let the ridicule commence I could use some
did you test with stannous? :lol: dip a cotton swab into the solution and add a drop of stannous chloride to the wet tip. if you dont know how to make stannous chloride, well,just shame on you. dont warm the solution before the drop, start with a cool solution. most people add too much SMB and it causes the gold particles to float in the solution, by heating it, it drives off the SO2 and allows the gold to settle. remember, if the solution is cloudy or murky dark, it needs to be crystal clear after the drop.
I will again, try in a bit to attempt to make stannous the way Lazersteve does I have tin solder and muriatic and test from there. There has to be gold in the solution since it always dissolved when I added the bleach to fresh muriatic. I am just puzzled to the whole affair and ty Geo for taking your time in answering me.
You didn't make any mention of cleaning the foils before hcl-cl so you could have a lot of copper in solution hence the green colour. Also did you dilute the Aucl3 before attempting to drop your gold? What were you processing?
I would guess too that there was still copper on your foils. The go off but there is still a thin layer of copper (sometimes, also had some that were tested fine gold after AP).
Then I got a greenish solution and the drop was disappointing. Stannous did not show much but a very faint brown color.
So that means one has to add another AP step after collecting the foils. HCl washing alone would not remove the copper, right? Exspecially if you washed the foils with water at the end of AP and therefor removed all Cu(II)chlorid.
Never had that when I always used fresh AP, but the recycled one does not work for me (Maybe I dont recycle it well enough)
washing the foils in hot hcl should remove excess copper (unless its a lot). rinse with hcl until the solution remains clear after sitting for awhile.
Geo, all I have is Muriatic acid I got from home depot will that work? I so dont mean to be a pest, but I am trying to do this the safest way I can and try and get the gold to drop so i can sell it too pay towards bills with what ever money I make.
TXWolfie said:
Geo, all I have is Muriatic acid I got from home depot will that work? I so dont mean to be a pest, but I am trying to do this the safest way I can and try and get the gold to drop so i can sell it too pay towards bills with what ever money I make.

If you bought your muriatic acid at Home Depot, it's probably only 14% or around there. It will work but very slow. You can offset this by evaporating some of the fluid to get a more concentrated HCl but you should do it at low heat, just until you see tiny bubbles evolving from the bottom. I would find a pool supply place that sells HCl at around 30%+, most of the time you will pay the same price as the lower concentration. I just scored a deal today on HCl, two gallons of 31% for just under $5.00.

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