droping gold gold, not brown gold

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Thanks Butcher for your great information. I have used iron sulfate and SO2 GAS as a precipitant and I also have C.W Amens book. I was looking for an assay lab that I can send my pregnant solution to that uses SO2 gas to see if it works on my leaching chemistry. I use a chlorine leach on head ore and it works great. I have used activated carbon to seperate the AU from the other metals in solution and striipped the activated carbon colum with hot caustic soda and precipitated it with SO2 gas at a friends lab and it worked great. I am just looking for the easiest and fastest way to precipitate the brown powder. How do you fire the brown powder? Do you use a muffler frurnace or an electric one? What is the flux that you woud use on the iron sulfate as everything as heavy as iron will drop as well. I have been messing around with head ore off and on for 20 years but I have a web site business that takes up most of my time. www.vitalion.com
Thank you Harold for your reply. I have been looking for an assay lab that uses SO2 gas as a precipitant and can't seem to find one. Do you know a lab that uses SO2? Please let me know where they are located and I will send my solution to them. I know that so2 gas will precititate the AU out of my solution. My question to you is, can I
precipitate the AU in my pregnant solution with so2 gas with out using the activated carbon and caustic soda? My pH ranges from a 5-8 when I am finished and my soluton is hot. I use a chlorine leach.
as for the brown powder with possible iron sulfates, i would not melt it .but roast out the sulfides, leach base metals and re- refine, till my powder was gold.
and for melting I use a torch.

I have looked into a SO2 generator, from chmicals, and I see something that looks more promising than burning sulfur, and may even generate a steady stream of gas, still haven't got to a point I can post it yet but will as soon as the theory is ready for everyone to shoot holes in it.
I've been scrapping for over a year now with AR and BDG. I tried the HCL+Clorox method for the first time last week. I heated, added SMB, and it looks like a snow globe full of gold in my jar. I believe it's a result from the heating. Heat to near boiling for a half hour, then add SMB in liquid form... Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
nōnāgintā trēs said:
I've been scrapping for over a year now with AR and BDG. I tried the HCL+Clorox method for the first time last week. I heated, added SMB, and it looks like a snow globe full of gold in my jar. I believe it's a result from the heating. Heat to near boiling for a half hour, then add SMB in liquid form... Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

actually, its better to chill the solution instead of heating. a heated solution will drive off the SO2 gas needed to precipitate the gold. you must have added way more than needed to precipitate what gold is there.
glondor said:
LOL 3 year old bump!

Speaking of old ones,

Did your Fume hood work out, seems I saw the starting pictures,

and transformer plates, I have a fifty pound one , stripped of copper though,..
Geo said:
nōnāgintā trēs said:
I've been scrapping for over a year now with AR and BDG. I tried the HCL+Clorox method for the first time last week. I heated, added SMB, and it looks like a snow globe full of gold in my jar. I believe it's a result from the heating. Heat to near boiling for a half hour, then add SMB in liquid form... Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

actually, its better to chill the solution instead of heating. a heated solution will drive off the SO2 gas needed to precipitate the gold. you must have added way more than needed to precipitate what gold is there.

No, I heat the gold chloride solution, then add 10g. SMB mixed with about 20ml water. Works fine. Turns the jar into a snow globe!

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