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John TG

Jan 25, 2015
Hi guys I got a roll of this from a customer as he was about to toss it in the dumpster. Almost 100% sure it's gold. I'm not quite done reading hokes book yet(70 pages in) but was excited to shore this nice piece. Also as its not on a board do you think I can just use AR to stop it. I know I should wait and I'm sorry if this is disrespectful but just wanted to shore if this nice piece.probably have about 10 feet of it.


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I'm sorry I should have posted this as more of a"look what I've found" then a question on how to strip the gold off.
You Sir, have the fever. Welcome in first of all, and WHILE you're reading Hoke, so that you can survive the experience you are undertaking, do a quick search on AP, or acid peroxide. If you went straight to AR with that you may just end up with a mess instead of a little button.
Lol yea I guess I do.I will look that up also thanks.think I'll finish hokes first,I have a bunch of fingers to process also. Probably can do both at the same time.I have about 5 pounds of those bad boys.
Fingers are straight forward to process and the copper chloride process (aka AP) is the recommended way to process it for a newbie, but what is that band on the picture made of?
You have to consider the base metal before deciding which process is relevant to use. If it's magnetic then the base metal is an iron or nickel alloy and then copper chloride would struggle with it. For that hydrochloric acid or diluted sulfuric acid would probably work better. If all the gold plated surfaces are electrically connected then it would be possible to use a reverse plating cell and just lift the gold from the surface without affecting the base metals.

As you see, there are a lot more to take into consideration and not just throw it into aqua regia and create a mess that it would be problematic to recover your gold from.

Take it slow, read, read some more and then formulate a plan. When you have a plan on how to do it and why you select certain ways, come back here and ask about opinions and I'm sure you will get a lot of good advices and possibly avoid a few pitfalls.

Welcome to the GRF.

I got the ribbon from a company that makes credit card sized cartridges to be used in the medical industry.I'm not sure why they were tossing this but I'm guessing it was a mistake. I think that they use a roll of this stuff to print a contact on the card so it can be read by the machine. It seems to be attached a paper like or plastic band.
Still reading through hokes book and will probably have to re read it when done but ill finish the book before I start like you suggest.m no need to make a mess.Lol
Thanks guys

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