Electrolysys Sulphuric cell

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So, do I have a green light to start?

Sure. Probably, the only thing you won't get in the sulfuric stripper is that from the 2 legs that don't make contact and the gold underneath that tiny, tiny chip. Although a lot of labor, you could twist the legs together just enough so they all make contact. Considering the size of the chip, I wouldn't expect as much gold as Arthur got from his stuff. The gold is probably fairly thick, though. Were these made in the U.S., I would guess the gold plated area to be worth about $0.08 per square cm, more or less. Are you making contact to the area under the chip or that one live leg? Is that one live leg actually electrically connected to the pad under the chip or is it just connected because of the bonding wire going to the post? Before starting, you might break the bonding wires on one and then use an ohmmeter to see what's actually connected to what. Just some ideas.
goldsilverpro said:
So, do I have a green light to start?
. Are you making contact to the area under the chip or that one live leg? Is that one live leg actually electrically connected to the pad under the chip or is it just connected because of the bonding wire going to the post?

It is electrically connected to the pad. These transistors are made in Bulgaria. I know there are Russian analogs as well but I can not find any. They've probably been stripped long time ago from someone more experienced.
Hello everyone this is my first time at this wonderful. forum GSP've done a great job and detailed that someone like me can figure out how to do it right. I need some help please.
After melted the gold over the pins. How can you pick up the black powder from the bottom of the tank with sulfuric acid. Without sprying  acid everywhere.
Is it possible to collect the powder by electrolyte it???
Hello everyone this is my first time at this wonderful. forum GSP've done a great job and detailed that someone like me can figure out how to do it right. I need some help please.
After melted the gold over the pins. How can you pick up the black powder from the bottom of the tank with sulfuric acid. Without sprying  acid everywhere.
Is it possible to collect the powder by electrolyte it???

If I understand your question, you want to separate the black powder from the sulfuric acid in the stripping cell.

On page 1 of this thread goldsilverpro states,
At some point, there will be so much black powder that it will cause a partial short and the amps won't go to zero. At this point, it is time to harvest the gold. You can remove the electrodes and allow the powder to settle in the form of a sludge. Carefully decant (pour) the solution off of the sludge. The solution can then be re-used. If a little sludge is poured off with the solution, don't worry about it - you'll get it next time.

After decanting, pour the sludge into about 7 to 10 times it's volume of water. Let the gold settle and decant or siphon off the solution. Rinse the sludge a few times. Collect the sludge and dissolve it in a minimum amount of aqua regia and refine as normal.

Basically all you need to do is allow the powder to drop to the bottom of the cell (which could take a day or longer) and then carefully pour (decant) off the acid, trying to leave as much powder as possible in the bottom, and then pour off this sludge into 7 to 10 times as much water. Pour the acid slowly into the water...Never pour water into acid, especially the concentrated sulfuric acid used here. Once the acid is more dilute, the powder will settle much easier and you should be able to decant that acid off the powder.

Do some searching on this forum for ways to concentrate the diluted acid to reuse it in the cell and how to clean up the powder you get from it. I personally don't feel comfortable heating the acid to concentrate it so I have just saved it to use for other things. Concentrated sulfuric acid is some dangerous stuff, HOT concentrated sulfuric acid is even worse. Make sure you understand all the possible dangers and wear protective clothing (gloves, eye protecting, etc.) if you attempt this.

You might also want to search for "fiberglass chamin plug" on this forum. That would allow you to filter the concentrated acid without diluting it and then the acid could be reused with no further concentrating and the fiberglass plug can be processed in the acids directly to recover the gold. The plug can even be reused once you are done. Again though, be careful. If you get even a drop of this acid on your skin you will know it.
Hello everyone this is my first time at this wonderful. forum GSP've done a great job and detailed that someone like me can figure out how to do it right. I need some help please.
After melted the gold over the pins. How can you pick up the black powder from the bottom of the tank with sulfuric acid. Without sprying  acid everywhere.
Is it possible to collect the powder by electrolyte it???
I don't understand what you mean by, "After melted the gold over the pins." I assume you mean, "when the gold on the pins has been removed."

After the solution is completely settled, I carefully remove as much solution as possible without disturbing the black powder. This can be done by slowly pouring off the solution. If the vessel is too full to safely do this, you can slowly dip as much solution out as possible and then pour off the rest, leaving the powder in the container. The remaining powder/sludge is poured carefullyinto at least 5 or 6 times more water than sludge and stirred. It will get quite hot. After cooling, filter and treat the sludge with AR.

You can't use paper filters to filter the sludge before dilution because the strong sulfuric will destroy the paper. There are posts on the forum that indicate success with other filter media besides paper. It would be desirable to do this, since all the strong sulfuric obtained from pouring off and filtering can be reused in your cell.

I might mention that it's not necessary to collect the gold after each batch of parts. I wait until the gold powder builds up to a point where it causes a partial short. The amps, therefore, do not return to zero after complete stripping. When you see this happening, it is time to stop stripping and harvest the gold.

NOTE: While writing this, bmgold2 made an excellent post that summed up the procedure in more detail than I gave.
bmgold2 said:
Hello everyone this is my first time at this wonderful. forum GSP've done a great job and detailed that someone like me can figure out how to do it right. I need some help please.
After melted the gold over the pins. How can you pick up the black powder from the bottom of the tank with sulfuric acid. Without sprying  acid everywhere.
Is it possible to collect the powder by electrolyte it???

If I understand your question, you want to separate the black powder from the sulfuric acid in the stripping cell.

On page 1 of this thread goldsilverpro states,
At some point, there will be so much black powder that it will cause a partial short and the amps won't go to zero. At this point, it is time to harvest the gold. You can remove the electrodes and allow the powder to settle in the form of a sludge. Carefully decant (pour) the solution off of the sludge. The solution can then be re-used. If a little sludge is poured off with the solution, don't worry about it - you'll get it next time.

After decanting, pour the sludge into about 7 to 10 times it's volume of water. Let the gold settle and decant or siphon off the solution. Rinse the sludge a few times. Collect the sludge and dissolve it in a minimum amount of aqua regia and refine as normal.

Basically all you need to do is allow the powder to drop to the bottom of the cell (which could take a day or longer) and then carefully pour (decant) off the acid, trying to leave as much powder as possible in the bottom, and then pour off this sludge into 7 to 10 times as much water. Pour the acid slowly into the water...Never pour water into acid, especially the concentrated sulfuric acid used here. Once the acid is more dilute, the powder will settle much easier and you should be able to decant that acid off the powder.

Do some searching on this forum for ways to concentrate the diluted acid to reuse it in the cell and how to clean up the powder you get from it. I personally don't feel comfortable heating the acid to concentrate it so I have just saved it to use for other things. Concentrated sulfuric acid is some dangerous stuff, HOT concentrated sulfuric acid is even worse. Make sure you understand all the possible dangers and wear protective clothing (gloves, eye protecting, etc.) if you attempt this.

You might also want to search for "fiberglass chamin plug" on this forum. That would allow you to filter the concentrated acid without diluting it and then the acid could be reused with no further concentrating and the fiberglass plug can be processed in the acids directly to recover the gold. The plug can even be reused once you are done. Again though, be careful. If you get even a drop of this acid on your skin you will know it.

Thank bmgold2 helped me a lot., I really terrified sulfuric acid.
Thank bmgold2 helped me a lot., I really terrified sulfuric acid.

Glad it helped. I mentioned on this forum before that sulfuric acid scares me but then decided to call it a healthy respect. Just be careful and wear acid resistant gloves and glasses. It wouldn't hurt to keep some clean water around to quickly wash off any acid that gets on you. You probably already know this but, don't wear good clothes when working around sulfuric acid. You might not even notice it until they go through the washing machine but even weak battery acid can put holes in your clothes.
samuel-a said:
Great post chris !

just one thing that i belive is missing, incineration before dissolving... i have learnd it the hard way that it's very much needed....

Hello everyone I have a few questions about "Sulphuric cell"
1 is it possible to reverse the process and collect the gold powder by electrolysis
2 How to make incineration of gold? And at what stage
3 What is black powder floating with gold in sulfuric acid tank
1 I assume you mean can you plate the gold out instead of having to filter it, not in the sulphuric cell, simply allow the powders to settle decant very carefully to remove as much as possible of the acid, slowly dilute the remaining solution and then filter to recover your powders,that's your gold and other base metals.
2 the next stage is incineration, heat your recovered powders to a red heat, allow to cool and then place the incinerated powders in your beaker, add hydrochloric and heat, this removes many of the troublesome base metals, several treatments might be needed until the acid remains clear.
3 I think I answered this question above but gold in small particles rarely looks like gold but as a back to brown powder or particles.

One point make sure you keep your sulphuric covered when not in use it's very water hungry and also keep it concentrated or else it will dissolve a lot more base metals.
Good luck.

Remember if you wash the gold sludge powders or dilute the concentrated sulfuric acid, you should do this by slowly pouring them into a volume of water.

Never put water into concentrated sulfuric acid, it can generate so much heat it will boil the water, and can splash or spit concentrated acid back at you.

Acid into water, never pour water into concentrated sulfuric acid.

The better you study a process you plan to use, the better you will understand that process, and the less likely you will have troubles with it, the more success you will have. The less likely you will lose your values in the process, and the easier it is to troubleshoot a problem if one does occur.
thank you all for helping me . i have milion things to ask you .

No you have a million things to use the search function for, it's the top right of your screen.
Sorry but we don't hold your hand here you read and learn or burn, it's tough love but for a good reason we don't get paid to advise you or anyone else, if you want to pay good money we have members who can help otherwise it's up to you 8)

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