I watched several of his videos. They were well done but I guarantee you that there is NOTHING NEW there. He sells all the process info for $150. This link fairly well sums the whole thing up. Note that there is a second page.
This link has a couple of videos and a long list of other stuff he sells. Note the chemicals. They are what are used in the videos.
The chemicals are:
Sodium Cyanide
Potassium Cyanide
Aluminum powder
Hydrogen Peroxide
Sodium Bisulfite
Sodium Metabisulfite (SMB)
Potassium Hydroxide
Nitric acid
Hydrochloric acid
Sulfuric acid
I watched 3 videos and skimmed 2 others. The ones I skimmed were both on karat jewelry. The first dissolved the granulated gold directly in AR. The second used inquartation - with copper it looks like. Nothing new on those two.
I watched these completely. Here again, nothing new. There were some steps omitted in the videos.
#1 pins. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ip_XXzvgakU#t=20
#2 CPUs. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRN3eClTJYM#t=17
#3 pins. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHchDCFqbJ4#t=43
All 3 of these used cyanide and an oxidant at room temperature. At first, I thought he used mNBSS but, since peroxide was on his chemical list, that's probably what he used. Both would work. In general, they are all the same except for the way the gold was recovered from the cyanide strip solution. They are quite easy to figure out.
#1. Before starting to plate out the gold, at 4:20, he added a small amount of some clear liquid. He may have been adding KOH to raise the pH or, it could be a sugar solution. A company that sold cyanide gold strippers used to sell a high dollar sugar additive (they didn't tell you what it was) to enhance the plating rate. In any case, neither of these is absolutely necessary. I have plated gold directly out of cyanide/H2O2 many times. It does take a long time, though.
#2. He broke up the CPUs a bit and then used the same cyanide solution. He dropped out the gold with Al, I assume. I would have used Zn. He then leached out the excess Al or Zn with acid (looks like weak sulfuric), rinsed, and melted the gold (surely not too pure). On CPUs that have gold braze under the chip and around the lid, the majority of the gold is in the brazes. If you look carefully, you will see that the cyanide didn't strip the brazes. Cyanide won't work on gold braze. All you get with cyanide is the plated gold.
#3. Pins again. Everything the same except that, after leaching the excess Al/Zn (not shown), he dissolved the gold residue in AR (not shown) and dropped the gold with sodium bisulfite or SMB (white powder).
Like I said, nothing new - same old, same old. I surely wouldn't waste $150 on it. It's all here on goldrefiningforum.com, the only place (with no exceptions) on the internet where you get the whole truth about these sorts of things.