Electronics Scrapping for Metals?

Gold Refining Forum

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Im a 25 yr. old Dallas Native named John. I am extremely interested in scrapping electronics for the precious metals that can be refined. I saw a video on the Discovery Channel about this phenomenon and now I want to figure it out. I am open to help from anybody that can give me any useful information or criticism. I have experience recycling Paper for decent money. sometimes 30 tons of paper. I want to phase out the paper recycling and go where the real money is.

I want to know generally how much precious metals a standard office copy machine with 3 or 4 trays would yield. Im just trying to get a picture in my head. Obviously I want to do Bulk Electronic Recycling, and I am also open to scrap metal recycling as well.


Hi John,

Welcome to the forum.

I think everything you need to know is here, you just nedd to read and read, then read some more...!

Also, without a shadow of a doubt, you need to read the book by HOKE.
There is a link on the forum somewhere to download it.
That book is a MUST READ.

As for office photocopiers.... I wouldn't think there is enough precious metals in one to make it worthwhile considering the leftover waste you would have to dispose of.
Maybe someone else knows different?

There isn't any PMs to speak of in copiers other than a few boards and connectors. They are OK for steel and copper wire. Lots of garbage though, steel, toner, glass. I avoid copiers like the plague unless they have good resale value or it's part of a bigger deal.

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