Fiber CPU's boilling in NaOH

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Well-known member
Jul 24, 2014
I boilled 20 fiber CPU's in concentrated NaOH solution.
NaOH didn't dissolve solder.
Silicon waffers dissolved. And gold plate disappeared!!!!!! When I took CPU's out of a solution after boiling it for few hours, all the pins become light grey.
I cant see no gold foils swiming in a solution, what happend to it?
Si + 4NaOH ---> Na4SiO4 + 2H2

Is it, Sodium silicate that people use in their melting furnaces as a heat insulater.
I am sorry I can't do the chemistry figures, but yes, sodium silicate is what many use in the smaller furnaces. Silica gel and sodium hydroxide can be made into sodium silicate and it requires heating for it to work. I had hoped to provide a crude recipe, but can't seem to find the correct set of notes for it. I will keep searching. I also think the same idea had been posted a while back and should be on the forum some place.
I guess I would ask why are you doing it in the first place Romix?

An extremely dangerous process coupled with the likelihood of a a terribly low yield doesn't really appear to make a lot of sense. However if you know something that I don't then I'm all ears!

Are these Pentium pro fiber processors or later ones?



See all the gold turned grey.
What happened, displasment or grey dirt plated on it.

See them two top CPU's, 20 of them :(
i would suggest building a sulfuric sell to remove the gold from those.
use a heat gun or propane torch to remove the cpu stuck to the copper plate first.

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