Fibre melting process

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Jul 31, 2017
while doing Printed Circuit Board recycling ,we are getting the Fibre finally (known as PREPREG-preimpregnated resin), that we want to recycle.

So now we are trying to melt it .But we are facing a problem of smoke( a large amount of smoke is coming while the fibre melting process ).

1.So, how to optimize the process and Is there any smoke reducing agent available to reduce the smoke during fibre material melting at high temperature?

2.If there is any other techniques/methods available for the fibre melting process?

3.Can we use this fibre as a fuel( just an idea of recycling)?
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The fumes are extremely deadly and will poison everything they come into contact with,(people, water, soil...).
pyrolyze is where we add heat without air (O2), to make carbon. starving the fire of oxygen which also creates a lot of smoke and Un-burnt carbon, which can be further burnt with oxygen (used as a fuel source).

Similar to making charcoal, where wood is heated in a closed can with a small hole in the lid (must have a hole for pressure release). or where we pile up wood get it started burning and cover it with dirt to smother the fire where it does not get oxygen, the wood makes charcoal instead of ash, and we can use it as fuel.

With circuit boards, you need to re-burn the smoke with an after burner, to completely burn, or reduce the toxins, the smoke itself from the burner can be used as a fuel source to save the cost of the fuel in the system.
If the smoke is completely combusted (burnt) the toxins or deadly gases and products are greatly reduced.

Fly ash from the rising heat of the smoke stack of the final burner can still have some danger so a scrubber (wet bag scrubber or an electrostatic precipitator or ...) is needed to minimize the dangers of this very fine ash that will carry in the wind...

The setup can be complicated or simple, depending on how much you process, in most countries Laws also govern what you can and cannot do or how it is to be done or even the output of your operation is governed, sensors detecting how much toxic smoke you produce can be tied to departments of environmental quality to monitor or check how well your burner and after burner works or how much polluted deadly gases you are putting into the air...
Your country may not, But you should be concerned and eliminate as much as possible the deadly toxins you produce as it can make you sick or kill you and those around you...

Do some study on the forum, and on the web, try "incinerator with afterburner". Use the keywords you find in that search study to expand your search and knowledge of the waste incinerator...

Search for the toxins produced many of which can be dangerous acids, and many cancer causing agents.

Forum rule no double posting, it confuses the forum and spreads the questions and answers all over the place...
I think asking how to work safely (especially coming from you and your country is extremely important, so your double posting here is not a big deal to me, except that if we can keep all of the questions and answers on a subject in one spot it just helps us all.

Unrelated comment:
I do not like where everyone (new members for example) start a new question like where is my gold, I used aqua regia and urea like youtube said and it is gone. we must have a several of these a day, filling the forum with the same question and answers, making it hard for all of us to find information, weeding through millions of posts about removing the oxidizers and trying to get them to study safety... sorry for my unrelated rant.

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