Finally took the plunge, sorta

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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2008
Newmarket, Ontario
I've only "sorta" taken the plunge because the only thing in my bucket is gold bearing boards in an HCl/H2O bath (50/50). I have a question though, I know that any silver that might be present will precipitate as AgCL, once the boards are removed as well as all the contents of the bucket filtered and rinsed. The Solution should still have some workable life to it. For the sake of storage, could the solution be evaporated off to 50%. And if so would the evaporation cause SnCL to precipitate from the concentrated solution? I don't want to toss this solution into the stockpot until I'm sure that it won't dissolve any more solder. Thanks

SnCl2 will still be soluble in solution, but would most likely oxidize to SnCl4, which would also stay in solution, unless you evaporated to such a low volume as to saturate to solution with these salts that the more soluble metals in solution would form salts and crystallize out of solution also.

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