first attempt at scrap jewelry

Gold Refining Forum

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hi everybody i am new to the forum and i noob at refining, i was just wondering if i could get some more detailed info then what i already learned about refining. i was just wondering if i could use just 6k jewlery and not have to inquart anymore silver in it to start the dissolving process. thank you for time.
There is a reason for doing things the way they are done. I think you should spend some time reading about the processes that work. A little reading now will save you a lot of time, energy, and precious metals later, it may even save you life. Start with the Guided Tour link in my signature line, and keep reading! Maybe after you have familiarized yourself with the forum, you will be able to ask a question with enough detail that members can give you a useful answer. Be patient, things are not always as simple as they may appear, arm yourself with some knowledge of the sea before you set sail alone!
Hie Redneck!
Yes that would work, but before you attempt any of the processes you read about here,you have to learn the safe handling of the chemicals ( the safety section of our forum) and as Claudie posted, do some stuying so you have the understanding of what you're doing so your attempt doesen't end in failure. Also you will need to know how to deal with wastes. Download Hoke's book and check out the videos that Lasersteve has on his website.
When you're prepared, people here can offer help or guidence if you have a problem.
You wan't to learn the art of recovery and refining, not just getting the gold!
Good luck. Post pics of your gold when the time comes! artart47

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