patnor1011 said:
It is very sad to hear that you cant process stuff in ukraine mainly because there must be a lot of very valuable scrap from soviet era - they used silver and palladium in insane amounts and did not saved much when using gold in electronics components too.
Dear Sir!
The refining business here goes on a full speed.
But it is whole an "underground" criminally-guided business.
It all started when gangs put their attention to this topic and terrorised local refiners.
With a little help of "pocket" poliece...
Now it went in a more gentle way, but crossing someone's road can easily go into a raid of feed-up militia, ready to work for gang's money...
People here are doing all the searching job, finding PM-containing scrap. But in the end, everybody brings their finds to a underground soldscrapbuying shops, operated by gangsters. Have heared a lot of stories about refiners caught and sentenced to jail, about refiners hit hardly by gangsters, but NEVER heared about lucky those who refined something and sold the gold/silver/whatever....
The funniest thing is , that there are a lot of factories in almost every city of Ukraine, used to produce military ICs with a HUGE amount of PMs....
And the output of working ICs was about 5-15%. The rest of ICs were non-working (as for my citie's IC factory).
All non-working ICs were burried in landfields , covered with tonns of soil and etc...
And now those landfields are bought out from local city government (through corrupted polititians), buy those pretty gentle gangsters in white shirts and expencive suits... ....
Hm... tired to type.....