Gold and Silver recovery from tailing updates

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Just recieved the Au/Ag and FeMn concentrates from the Chinese company which produced them for us with samples sent to them. what would be the sure way of testing the concentrate samples now for Au and Ag grade? FeMn concentrate is clearly visible with naked eyes, they produce this from Ferromanganese furnace slag, I just sent them that in case tailing didn't work. Keep you all interested in this project posted about updates.

lates updates.

Just recieved the Au/Ag concentrate Chinese produced from the tailing sample sent to them. The fire-assay and ICP Mass on the concentrate shows 4ppm Au and 54 ppm Ag. Now since the gravity separation that gets the tailing and produces this Au/Ag concentrate is fairly cheap for 20tons per day it would cost around $7700. Can it be feasiable to attach a leaching plant next to it to use cyanide leaching? I assume 4ppm Au and 50ppm Ag is economical grades. Gekkos Inc is an Australian company that produces all kind of plants for jigging, gravity ciruit, and leaching. They do a hell of a job in that department. So let's wait till I get a respond from them with this new results.

kjavanb123 said:
lates updates.

Just recieved the Au/Ag concentrate Chinese produced from the tailing sample sent to them. The fire-assay and ICP Mass on the concentrate shows 4ppm Au and 54 ppm Ag. Now since the gravity separation that gets the tailing and produces this Au/Ag concentrate is fairly cheap for 20tons per day it would cost around $7700. Can it be feasiable to attach a leaching plant next to it to use cyanide leaching? I assume 4ppm Au and 50ppm Ag is economical grades. Gekkos Inc is an Australian company that produces all kind of plants for jigging, gravity ciruit, and leaching. They do a hell of a job in that department. So let's wait till I get a respond from them with this new results.


So does that mean 4grams of gold and 54 grams of silver per metric tonne? At current spot price you are talking about $150 per ton in recovered value assuming you can get it all.
Yes that is true, but consider that sample of tailing which was sent to China was processing with machines with recovery of only 60-70% and not Falcon of Knelson concentrators. PLus the sample was a composite samples from 50 different 20-cm holes in tailing dam. We have had up to 10ppm in tailing head assay. The total reserve is around 5 million tons and everyday 380ton gets added to the tailing. I am just curios would that be feasible? It also shows 1% Pb and 1% Zn in the tailing, how can I concentrate those? I am sure the more concentrates come out of the tailing the better it will cover some operation cost.
it all depens on political situation there too. country is on verge of economic collapse and civil war. one day you can wake up in the middle of fight between holy men and army... not very assuring prospect and with all that recent bombing around...
patnor1011 said:
it all depens on political situation there too. country is on verge of economic collapse and civil war. one day you can wake up in the middle of fight between holy men and army... not very assuring prospect and with all that recent bombing around...

oh lol most bombing is taking place in the east side of country near Afghan borders, it's really quite here and stable. so heap cyanide leaching is the most economical way to extract the gold and silver in the concentrate, but i am looking to find a sort of mobile and compact leaching plant. any ideas on the grades though? i mean 4ppm Au and 50ppm Ag is good enough to leach using cyanide? most mines i have heard are in the range. plus they have the crushing and grinding and most of all extraction costs, which this tailing does not have at all. so most be ok then. plz advise.
Just traded some emails with guys in Knelson concentrators, they suggest a series of concentrators along with shaking table would bring the 0.11ppm Au tailing grade to 40-50ppm Au concentrate. Is this possible?

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