Gold drop with SMB results-Aqua Regia- (HELP)

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Jul 16, 2014
goold.jpgHi im new to forum help needed

This is what i did please help.

50/50 nitric and water to remove gold fingers and other bits.

Dissolved gold fingers/bits a off boards(did have a bit of foreign material in it as well, put in AR and HEATED-TICK
solution at this point was green a bit yellow all gold dissolved-TICK

Used Urea to neutralise Nitric-TICK

SMB used with stirring a bit at a time while warm, and it didn't drop well some what it did, solution started to turn brown?
Left overnight and it kinda separated but upside, white stuff at bottom and dark brown layer formed at the top about a few mills thick.

Tested solution with stannous Through out and got the black result.

Ive added photos of the end results please have a look.

Note: for some reason did not use distilled water this time.

could i have used to much SMB trying to make it separate?

Ive also added photos of the brown layer dry.separate
I suspect you may have used too much of most of the needed chemicals, and used some chemicals you really do not need, like urea.

Not knowing all of the details, I say you just have made a mess.
Make sure solution is still slightly acidic, and add water to dissolve all of the excess salts formed, cement values with copper.

Save any gold that is recovered, for later after you gain some more understanding of how to process it properly.

Study the safety section on how to treat the waste properly.

Study Hokes and the forum to learn to recover and refine properly.

Study how to test for gold in solution.
Study how to use aqua regia.

P.S, There are easier, and better processes or ways to recover the gold from the memory cards or circuit board fingers.

Basically put away the chemicals for a while and study, so you will have that understanding.

The chemicals are used to recover and refine gold, but without an understanding how to use these chemicals properly, and safely, and knowing how to treat the waste properly, using chemicals is also a good way to loose your gold, hurt yourself and or put yourself and others in danger.

My comments are intended to help you from doing everything wrong, and help you learn how to do it right.
Study is the first part of that learning, and the information is here on the forum.

Beginning by trying to recover and refine gold with chemicals, before you get that understanding of the basic principles, is just getting everything wrong.

Trying to learn from getting everything wrong looses you your gold, wastes your time, and makes it harder for you to learn t do it properly, you will be too busy trying to fix the messes you make, wondering where all of your gold is going...

Study and learning does take some time, but you will be gaining gold and the needed knowledge along they way
Thanks for the reply, much appreciated.

Ive started on hokes book but in the mean time....

Can i just boil down to sludge then apply that to new aqua regia?

what values does the copper drop once added to the diluted solution as you suggested?

Do i keep this solution for recovery later or just dispose of it carefully to the local chem lab?

How many fingers did you dissolve?

Just do what Butcher suggested, add acid till sediment dissolve, add copper. Values will cement out while copper slowly dissolve. Leave copper sit there couple of days.

This forum is unlike others on the Internet, here on this forum we act and speak as gentlemen and ladies, not like a bunch of nasty mouthed sailors at a bar.
Read the forum rules, and the welcome to new members.

What you are trying to learn is a skill in a complicated trade, the science of precious metal recovery and refining, using chemistry and chemical reactions.

With this type of chemistry there are many dangers involved.

It is not as simple as you think it is.

The chemistry involved and the understanding involved is very complex, the intranet will lead you to believe it is very simple and easy, this science is far from that, like any chemistry there is much involved, many reactions, and dangers when doing this work, you need to gain an understanding of what you are doing, and learn to do it safely.

You are making very toxic solutions, which if not dealt with properly can be very dangerous to you and others, you will be working with many deadly gases of these reactions, you need to understand these dangers, and learn how to minimize them and keep yourself , and others safe. In some cases you are getting close to making explosive reactions, especially when mixing chemicals and metals with no idea of these reactions.

This chemistry, like any chemistry or trade, takes an education, and an understanding of the basics, and the chemical reactions involved, and the needed safety precautions, understanding of the chemicals, their dangers, their reactions with each other, and with metals, the safety of using them, and how to dispose of them, or their waste properly.

You can learn this without learning all of the chemistry like the chemical equations, but you will still need to understand their chemical behaviors, their danger...

To be successful at recovery and refining it will take a lot of work and a lot of time studying, it is not hard to learn, you cannot just read a little, or watch some videos and then dump some acids on some metals, or other materials, mix a few other chemicals in and figure it all out that way.
This science like other sciences, chemistry, art, or skill is a learning process, one that will take dedication.

If you have no mechanical knowledge or skill would you be able to take an old truck apart, separating every part of it down to individual parts (every nut bolt and part, including taking all of the wiring apart) throw the parts all in a big shed with other bad parts from several other truck parts, and mix them up, then separate out the parts you need and then rebuild your truck putting it all back together and have it run, better than before you tore it down.
You would need to gain an understanding of how the truck is made, what each part was, how the parts work, how they go together, an understanding of basic mechanical knowledge, and understand how the truck runs, why one thing will work and way something else will not work, and also understand how to work on it safely, without dropping the jacked up truck on top of you while your under it, or not blow the gas tank up while cutting off a rusted bolt close to the gas tank.

Like becoming a scientist in this art and skill you must first gain an understanding of the basics, basic safety, the basic principles of how it works, why it works one way and not another way, how to do it safely and responsibly.

Study is the key to learning to recover and refine, to learn how to get the gold, here with this forum you have been given all of the needed manuals of how to do it,, in Hokes book you can learn the basic principles, you also have many members willing to help you when you do not understand what your studying, or willing to give you a hand to help guide you in the right direction, who may tell you when your going the wrong way, to help you to get back on the right track.

I am not sure what you have learned up to this point, but it seems to me you haven’t learned much yet about the science of recovery and refining, and what you have learned may well be wrong, trying to use chemicals with metals at this point, will only cause you problems and slow your learning process in the long run.

Starting with study now, with Hokes book, and the forum, and learning the safety, the basic principles involved, and the chemistry involved will prepare you for when you do start using the chemicals to recover and refine gold, or recover and refine other valuable metals.

The study will seem slow, there is a lot to this science, art and skill, but with study and starting with simple processes you will gain knowledge and the skill needed to do this work safely and successfully, and build on that knowledge and skill as you can in other complicated skills or trades, to learn it can take a lifetime, if you wish to learn it all you would need many lifetimes, but if you learn this like you would any complicated science, art, skill, or trade, you can easily learn to recover and refine metals.
And enjoy a lifetime of learning more and getting better at this skill, and trade.

Learn the basic principles first, learn the safety, learn the simpler processes, and work your way up, improving your knowledge and skill in this science.
Yep ok will follow Butchers advice thanks guys/girls.

I have had succesfull drops(2) in past but this time round not sure what happened.

Sorry Butcher just a question once values cemented does it look like black soot at bottom? i used HCL to dissolve then add water to dilute then finaly a piece of copper like you said and it dropped a black powder.
Black powder is fine. There's your mix of PMs and some contaminants. Work it through the process again after cleaning it and it'll be good for you.

Ive found out that the Brand of HCL i have which is 'Diggers' brand found in New Zealand has trace metals in it, so once hydrogen peroxide 3% is added to it it turns dark brown red colour.

This could be an issue right?
I would think most HCl used as general purpose muriatic acid will probably contain some trace metals, not knowing the brand your speaking of, yours may have more metals involved (sometimes as inhibitors), just a little trace metal should not be too much of a problem, but if the metal content is high, and depending on if it was added to inhibit the acid, then yes it could become a problem, finding MSDS sheets or manufacturers data may give you more of a clue of what your HCl is composed of.
Thanks mate for your replies, reading up on it more i found others have had issues with this brand, a change of Hydrochloric may do the trick, after a good read that is.

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