and here i ask the question,
in the refining book it speaks of melting your gold filled and dropping it in a water bath to cool so that instead of having to ar the gold
you end up diluting it enough to get the 6k nitric reaction which means all youre left doing is neutralizing your acid and melting it into
whatever form youre looking for
oversimplified but what can you do ? anyway the well known quadrillion method,
which sounds way easier to me other than i live in an apartment so the manufacture and use of nitric is a little problematical
that and the fact that some may mistake cleaning gold and silver for meth manufacture ha ha
but thats how i was going to go about it,
melt my gold filled items into nuggets, break them down and throw them in nitric let it break everything down
and then filter and neutralize again oversimplified but gets the point across
from there melt and pour
that would work wouldnt it?