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Non-Chemical gold ore to be processed

Gold Refining Forum

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i have around 15-20 pounds of ore to be processed, it looks like its like 85 percent pure, but i really not sure, when i crushed it i get yellow and orange dust, is there somewhere that will do it for me, or at least send a sample to see what pureity it is. thx
if it were visible gold, it wouldnt become yellow or orange dust. are you sure what you have isnt chalcopyrite or sphalerite? it sounds like you may be crushing sulfide minerals. have you done a streak test? checked specific gravity or hardness? bead test? it is advisable to do simple tests before nitirc or HCl is introduced. i have heard a rather harmless undiluted acetic acid can be used in place of diluted HCl to test samples if it has been ground into a powder.