Don't think I'm going to sucessfulyl process it and now have the stuff up for sale - willing to travel to surrounding countries, Slovakia, Germany, Switzerland, etc. to sell, Please let me know if anyone has any Ideas. I also added another photo to give an idea of how much I have.
I've got a decent amount of gold plated electrical connectors and I'm torn between processing them myself to get the pure gold - which I've never done, but am sure i can study and figure out - or just selling them as is to a recycler.
Located in Budapest Hungary, acquired these from a property purchase.
My question is this:
Is it worth learning and doing the process myself, I've been looking at the Iodine process, and about how long are we taking before i have negotiable gold?
If the better bet is to sell to recycler, does anyone know a place in SE Europe that buys this stuff?
Photo attached.
Thanks, clownfish
Updated with more photos.
Can anyone direct me to a good guide to the sulfuric cell technique.
Anyone got any idea of how much I'm looking at her?
Don't think I'm going to sucessfulyl process it and now have the stuff up for sale - willing to travel to surrounding countries, Slovakia, Germany, Switzerland, etc. to sell, Please let me know if anyone has any Ideas. I also added another photo to give an idea of how much I have.
I've got a decent amount of gold plated electrical connectors and I'm torn between processing them myself to get the pure gold - which I've never done, but am sure i can study and figure out - or just selling them as is to a recycler.
Located in Budapest Hungary, acquired these from a property purchase.
My question is this:
Is it worth learning and doing the process myself, I've been looking at the Iodine process, and about how long are we taking before i have negotiable gold?
If the better bet is to sell to recycler, does anyone know a place in SE Europe that buys this stuff?
Photo attached.
Thanks, clownfish
Updated with more photos.
Can anyone direct me to a good guide to the sulfuric cell technique.
Anyone got any idea of how much I'm looking at her?