Learning to recover and refine gold is not something you will learn in a short time, it may seem simple to you, but in reality there is so much right now that you do not understand, trying now will just bring you from one mess, and into another big mess wondering where your gold and values are disappearing to, wondering why nothing works the way you think it is supposed to, not knowing why you cannot do what others make sound so simple.
What you have now is a tiny bit of gold dissolved in a large volume of base metals, basically a mess in a failed experiment, you really do not know where your gold is, or how to find it or get it back, you have several metals mixed in several acids.
You can add a large clean bar of copper to the solution, to use up any free acids, and cement what metals that will, metals below copper in the reactivity series of metals will cement out of solution, copper and the metals above in the series will still be in solution. save these powders.
This solution is a dangerous toxic solution, that needs to be treated before you can safely dispose of it, you will need to precipitate the dangerous metals from solution, separate and dry them, Iron will help remove most of these metals, the solution will now contain iron and the more reactive metals, you will need to raise the pH to precipitate the iron and other base metals as hydroxides by bringing the pH of the solution up to around pH 9, let the hydroxides settle, and decant them, drying these and bringing these powders to red hot, will make them less water soluble so disposal of these is safer, then the solution you need to add a little acid to this caustic solution the to bring the pH back down to a neutral pH7 leaving you with a clear salt solution that can be disposed of, you can learn more about this and how to dispose of your waste by studying the forum, a good place to start this is in the safety section, reading the post on dealing with waste.
As far as recovering your gold, from this solution, save anything that cements after you add the clean copper buss bar, and dry it , I wouldn't worry about working with it any further at this point, you will need to do quite a bit of study before you will be ready to deal with it anyway. just save it and noting that the jar has possible value from your first lesson, you will learn how to proceed soon enough.
Forget about trying to recover or refine gold or metals for now, first you will need some basic lessons. begin these, by using Hoke's book, start reading the book, when you get to the getting acquainted experiments do these, learning from doing, and observing what happens, this will give you a good understanding of how different metals react in different acids, it will give you a better understanding of the chemistry behind recovery and refining, her book will help you to understand many of the basic principles needed to be successful, like a good movie you may need to read the book more than once, seeing the movie the first time you may miss a lot of the finer details and rereading you will see many things you did not see or understand the first time.
Now with a little bit of understanding under your belt from reading Hoke's, and experimenting with what she teaches, this and reading the forum you will be more ready to begin to learn to recover and refine precious metal, I suggest getting an easy material to begin with, like memory fingers, study how these are done, remember the study is where you learn, so read everything you can about each process or step, giving yourself a good education of what to do and why, knowing what can go wrong and why and knowing how to get out of any problem you will encounter. after you recover the gold foils and wash them then you can begin to study how to dissolve them and refine them, again study is where you will be successful in your attempts to do the lab work, each success at your lab work will give you more experience, and each process, you then take on to learn and to study and practice to learn will be easier, each with study will be successful, even if you run into problems, you will have an understanding of how it works, what does not work, and how to get out of problems as they come along.
think about this like learning to become a mechanic, at this point you will need to learn how the engine runs before you can build an engine, you will have to learn the mechanics before you can troubleshoot problems and fix a bad engine, you may have to learn many things to be\come a successful mechanic, it is not something you will learn overnight, it can be a lifetime study to get good at it, but with study and patience you can begin on small engines and work your self up to the more complicated engines, learning more as you go, using what your learning along the way to be able to work with more complicated problems.
Here you started trying to build a race car, but have no idea how it works, you will never win that race. Start at the beginning, learn how the engine runs, it will take some time but you will have a chance at crossing the finish line in the race, and not lose you gold along they way.
ktemerov, this is the best advice I can give, to try and help you learn to get started, and I believe is the fastest way that you are going to get that pure gold in your furnace.
It may take some time, but It will work.
Going the way you are now, I do not see you becoming successful except at asking a lot more questions for help getting out of problems, and for help finding your lost gold, from not knowing how this science works.