Gold Refining Forum

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Aug 14, 2013
I am chemist by profession and interested to run a project based study to refine gold by cheapest method. If any one know the process please guide me
adnanchemist said:
I am chemist by profession and interested to run a project based study to refine gold by cheapest method. If any one know the process please guide me

Start reading;

adnanchemist said:
I am chemist by profession and interested to run a project based study to refine gold by cheapest method. If any one know the process please guide me
1. Sell gold bearing material on eBay
2. buy refined gold on the GRF forum
Repeat until satisfied.

A bit more complicated, read Hoke, follow every link on the introduction to the forum and use the search function.

The general nature of your question can't be answered so easily. It only shows that you haven't even tried to read up on the subject or how this forum works.

adnanchemist said:
I am chemist by profession and interested to run a project based study to refine gold by cheapest method. If any one know the process please guide me

It seems you want to be taught several different ways to refine gold so you can choose the cheapest method.

Your question is too general, it seems to me, if you are a chemist by profession, you should realize that you need to better define your question in order to get the right answer.

First, what type of material are you asking about refining, remember you are asking about refining gold, not about dissolving high purity gold and then precipitating it.

What equipment do you have at hand, some processes require hydrometallurgy, some pyrometallurgy, some electrometallurgy and some processes require two or more, and/or several of each.

To encourage others to want to help you, what is your study being done for, is this your own personal project, is this a school project, is this related to your work, or is this so you can develop and cheap, inexpensive way for people to refine gold to sell on ebay or something else?

If you are a chemist, it also seems to me you should know what you need to read, in order to understand the processes that are commonly used to refine gold. If not, I don't even know what to say.

you have a lot of reading, learning, and preparation ahead of you. Please don't do anything until after plenty of dedicated work.

that said, the answer to what is the cheapest way to refine gold is probably either poor-man's aqua regia or bleach or an electrolysis cell.
I'm not telling you how to do these so you'll be forced to do at least some research so you won't kill yourself.
During your studying, you'll also learn the difference between refine and reclaim. This is a very important distinction.

Also, I'll add the way to get the most money for your gold: selling it as-is. seriously. ebay, for example, will pay far above market price for low-content gold such as e-scrap. If you want to own gold, the most profitable way is to sell what you have, then buy gold. If you want to have a hobby and learn a new skill, then start reading Hoke and the rest of this forum.
I think, this question can only be answered, if you tell about the scale and the kind of material you want to recover/refine. The same process may be cheap, if you are somewhat specialized and can run large scales, but expensive or senseless in a small scale setting. And the other way round, the cheapest process to a hobby refiner may make no sense to a large plant.

edit: And then, it also depends on, what an hourly rate you count and what the time factor means in your calculations.
adnanchemist said:
I am chemist by profession and interested to run a project based study to refine gold by cheapest method. If any one know the process please guide me
Sure. Simple.

I trust you have thousands of ounces of relatively pure gold? If so, I'd recommend the Miller chlorine process. There is no faster, easier and cheaper way to bring gold fine. It is not the best way to achieve high quality gold, however, and it is very hazardous.

There are several ways to refine--but you must be more specific if you hope to receive any useful guidance, and, in spite of the fact that virtually everyone here has said it already---start reading. You may be a good chemist, but that may not translate in to you having the mechanical skills required to be successful in refining gold. I was just the opposite. I know almost nothing about chemstry, but, mechanically, I am quite capable when it comes to dealing with gold.

Did I mention I spent a lot of my time reading, gaining knowledge?


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