Gold with borax

Gold Refining Forum

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New member
Dec 3, 2014
Hello to everyone!

I'm searching ebay for old CPUs that I will buy for gold recovery but I find a lot of this:

What is this? 53 grams gold for only $24.58? In description I found this "Not pure gold! This auction is for a golden bar melted with borax pins scrap gold recovery."... What this mean? This is gold with borax? It's not pure gold because it have borax in itself? In description is also written this: "This bar is not solid gold and it will need to be refined", but how to refine?
It is probably brass with a trace of gold. It's a scam.

53 grams of pins (best pins I ever saw were 4.5 gAu/lb)).....let's see, at most, not even a gram?

Save your money and buy actual gold off a member here. Gold is gold and doesn't come cheap without some sort of heartache.
Lou said:
It is probably brass with a trace of gold. It's a scam.

53 grams of pins (best pins I ever saw were 4.5 gAu/lb)).....let's see, at most, not even a gram?

Save your money and buy actual gold off a member here. Gold is gold and doesn't come cheap without some sort of heartache.

Thanks for quick reply! I see a lot of that auctions on ebay...

I don't want to buy gold from members, I want to start recoverying it from CPUs and I'm here for some informations about best methods...
Hello and welcome to the forum.

Do yourself a huge favor... Stop buying anything until you learn how much gold each item has and how it gets extracted and then refined.

Most of the time, anything you pay for is wasted money. Unless you by and sell jewelry. Then you better know how much gold there is.

Read the welcome section of this form and begin learning about this whole field of precious metals, (PMs).

Good luck and hope to hear great results from you soon.

I want to congratulate you for asking questions about these ebay "gold" bars before buying one.

Recovering gold from pins is fairly straightforward and procedures can be easily found using the search tools found on the forum. There is more than one way to do this, and, in my opinion, you should become familiar them.

Recovering gold from ebay "gold" bars is another matter. When you gain sufficient knowledge and experience in gold recovery you will likely agree that these bars are, for the most part, a waste of time and resources for gold recovery.

Again, thank you for asking about them before buying.
Pantherlikher said:
Hello and welcome to the forum.

Do yourself a huge favor... Stop buying anything until you learn how much gold each item has and how it gets extracted and then refined.

Most of the time, anything you pay for is wasted money. Unless you by and sell jewelry. Then you better know how much gold there is.

Read the welcome section of this form and begin learning about this whole field of precious metals, (PMs).

Good luck and hope to hear great results from you soon.

What You meen by saying:
Unless you by and sell jewelry
How I can earn with buying and selling jewelry?

galenrog said:
I want to congratulate you for asking questions about these ebay "gold" bars before buying one.

Recovering gold from pins is fairly straightforward and procedures can be easily found using the search tools found on the forum. There is more than one way to do this, and, in my opinion, you should become familiar them.

Recovering gold from ebay "gold" bars is another matter. When you gain sufficient knowledge and experience in gold recovery you will likely agree that these bars are, for the most part, a waste of time and resources for gold recovery.

Again, thank you for asking about them before buying.
Thanks for reply... I'm reading whole forum so I learned a lot before start...
"Unless you by and sell jewelry."

I thought I checked all spelling. Sorry It's Buy and Sell jewelry.

There are people that buy gold here in the US and send it on to refiners to make a profit.
You really have to know how to properly test gold content to know how much profit before buying.
14k marked is usually not 14k gold content of a piece.

Read through the forum and you will find your path.

Hi fellas, I've thrown 1-2 parts of peroxide 3% with muriatic 32% covering a bunch (30) of crashed ceramic old cpu's. Then I've l waited a week, moving it everyday a bit. I've taken the liquid out and all I can see is that blackish mud with small brown pieces, then I've borax it and soldering-flamed it and all I got were some black metallic black pieces, they are attracted by my magnet. What I did wrong? Hoped to get a few grams at least. Perhaps since I've borax that in a stainless tube, it melt with the gold? What can I do now? Thanks a lot


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Hi fellas, I've thrown 1-2 parts of peroxide 3% with muriatic 32% covering a bunch (30) of crashed ceramic old cpu's. Then I've l waited a week, moving it everyday a bit. I've taken the liquid out and all I can see is that blackish mud with small brown pieces, then I've borax it and soldering-flamed it and all I got were some black metallic black pieces, they are attracted by my magnet. What I did wrong? Hoped to get a few grams at least. Perhaps since I've borax that in a stainless tube, it melt with the gold? What can I do now? Thanks a lot
Welcome to us, even if what I say next might not feel very welcoming.

Simply speaking, what did you do right if any at all?
Where in the world did you come up with these procedures?

There might be less than 0.25 grams in there, depending on what it is.
Make a list of what is in there and we can give you some advice.

First here is what we want you to do:
We ask our new members to do 3 things.
1. Read C.M. Hokes book on refining jewelers scrap, it gives an easy introduction to the most important chemistry regarding refining.
It is free here on the forum: Screen Readable Copy of Hoke's Book
2. Then read the safety section of the forum: Safety
3. And then read about "Dealing with waste" in the forum: Dealing with Waste

Suggested reading: The Library
Welcome to us, even if what I say next might not feel very welcoming.

Simply speaking, what did you do right if any at all?
Where in the world did you come up with these procedures?

There might be less than 0.25 grams in there, depending on what it is.
Make a list of what is in there and we can give you some advice.

First here is what we want you to do:
We ask our new members to do 3 things.
1. Read C.M. Hokes book on refining jewelers scrap, it gives an easy introduction to the most important chemistry regarding refining.
It is free here on the forum: Screen Readable Copy of Hoke's Book
2. Then read the safety section of the forum: Safety
3. And then read about "Dealing with waste" in the forum: Dealing with Waste

Suggested reading: The Library
Did this
You only got the base metal, the gold is still there. I admit i have no idea what the methyl hydrate is and what you could use it for.
Part of the gold will be stuck on the pcb unless you incinerate it, and even so you would need to turn it to dust in a ballmill to get everything out. I got quite a bit of pcbs and scrap to process myself and haven't yet started so i can't speak with much experience, might have to skip few steps myself, like the ballmilling.

Btw, I wouldn't risk it buying from ebay, better search for companies that are updating their equipment and get it off them, might aswell get it for free if you get it yourself.
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This one is over complicated and not enough detailed at the same time.
And it fits only parts of the scrap.
I do not fit Chips and other parts with not exposed Gold.
Most of the Gold is inside the chips and ICs as bond wires.
To get to these you need to pyrolize and incinerate them and then gravity and magnetic separate before the wires are ready for Aqua Regia.

For the visible foils you need an aquarium bubbler and HCl, that is it.

Now set your stuff aside and then study the links I sent you.
When you feel ready to start processing again ask here on the forum first.
Thanks a lot for the explanatory reply. I'll set it aside but, now I'm looking at the core of the cpu's and all the tiny wires has disappeared. Where they may be now? In the water? In that blackish mud?
Since I'm not starting from zero now I really don't understand what to do next even if I read that material due to the explanation I've given you.
Probably in the water and mud, you don't know how small the particles became while you stirred the solution.

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