Rick & Carrie
Prospectors Rick & Carrie of Geotech Analytical
What The Old Timers were looking for and mining.
Parts 2 & 3
Ore Deposit Charts
Parts 2 & 3
Ore Deposit Charts
Parabéns pela postagem , estou praticamente dentro de uma montanha de granito no Brasil e tenho recolhido pedras e feito testes. Existe uma caverna no meio da montanha de granito. Essa abertura na rocha foi feito para fazer uma contenção. Através de testes já identifiquei ouro, vou continuar com os testes e vou postar rochas da abertura . Obrigado.Metallic Ores produce various Colors as they oxidize, and therefore stain the Host Rock(s) that contain them.
These stains are called Gossans.
The following is a list of the various Gossan Colors.
Yellows, Browns, Maroons, and Reds = ... Various Iron Oxides.
Black = ........................................ Manganese Oxides.
Green = ....................................... Nickel
Greens and Blues = ........................... Copper Sulfides, Oxides, Carbonates, Etc.
Bright Yellow = ................................ Molybdenum
Waxy Green = ................................. Native Silver, or Silver Chloride.
Oranges and Yellows = ....................... Arsenic
Pinks and Purples = ........................... Cobalt
Here are a couple of Outcrop Photo's.
One showing Gossan Colors, and One without.
View attachment 3687View attachment 3688
The following is a list of Rock Types, and Metal Associations.
Granito = ......................... Ouro e Prata.
Olivina Gabro = ................... Platina, Cromo, Níquel, Cobalto e Ferro.
Dunita = .................................. Platina e Cromo.
Peridotita/Peridotita Dunita = ... Níquel, Cromita e Platina.
Serpentinita = ........................ Platina
A seguir está uma lista de Associações de Pedras Preciosas e Tipos de Rochas.
Almandina = ......... Diorito, Hornfels e Xisto.
Andradita = .......... Granito Pegmatitos, Carbonatos, Hornfels e Skarn.
Grossular = .......... Skarn, Marble e Hornfels
Pyrope = .............. Peridoto Dunite e Gabro.
Spessartine = ........ Pegmatitos de Granito e Xisto Azul.
Uvarovita = .......... Serpentinita e Peridoto Dunita.
Corindo = .......... Sienito, Nefelina Sienito Pegmatito, Hornfels e Gnaisse.
Berilo = ................ Pegmatitos de Granito e Xisto.
Turmalina = ......... Granito Pegmatitos e Xisto.
Espinélio = ............... Hornfels, Mármore e Gabro.
Topázio = ............... Pegmatitos de granito.
Zircão = ............... Pegmatitos de Granito, Diorito, Nefelina Sienito e Carbonatito.
Speak English when you reply to me.Parabéns pela postagem , estou praticamente dentro de uma montanha de granito no Brasil e tenho recolhido pedras e feito testes. Existe uma caverna no meio da montanha de granito. Essa abertura na rocha foi feito para fazer uma contenção. Através de testes já identifiquei ouro, vou continuar com os testes e vou postar rochas da abertura . Obrigado.
Hello stoneware,
Thanks Rick & Carrie, the outcrop is located in this pit from which the placer deposited gravel is hauled into town then washed.Hello stoneware,
The host rock appears to be a silica and feldspar rich variety of Rhyolite.
The gray sections are most likely lead and zinc rich with some percentage of Silver, and possibly Gold.
The yellowish to greenish hues in the Rhyolite are indicators of the presence of lead and zinc.
Thanks for posting the outcrop photo and the question.
We hope that we have been helpful.
Sincerely; Rick & Carrie.
Geotech Anlytical
Thanks for the compliments and the post.Thanks Rick & Carrie, the outcrop is located in this pit from which the placer deposited gravel is hauled into town then washed.
Here's an XRF shot from a wash plant sampling, during the summer I'll take a couple of drill core samples from the outcrop and have a proper assay done.
Again thank you, I'm very happy for you and Carrie coming together with common interests.
View attachment 49348
View attachment 49349
You're welcome.Thanks Rick
I was off roading today and came across this spot in the mountains.
The color looks like limonite
View attachment 50563
Got closer, it looks like debris from digging a small well.
View attachment 50564
I did a little digging for a sample, and the color of soil went from yellow to rusty brown as I got deeper.
View attachment 50565
My plan is to sift following smelting to see if there is any gold.