It is a MOLD, not a crucible or melting dish.
If you attempt to melt in the mold, you'll destroy it quickly. Carbon combusts above 1,100°F, and slowly burns away. Besides, it's one hell of a heat sink, so you'd have your work cut out for you melting the gold. BAD IDEA!
Melt your gold in a melting dish that has been prepared by preheating, then coated with a thin layer of borax. Not enough for any to pour out when you tip the dish to cast the gold. Heat the gold until it's fluid, and preheat the mold (at least above the point of boiling water, which will prevent any steam explosions).. The mold can be blackened with a sooty torch to improve the surface finish of the ingot. When the ingot is cast, play the torch (with a reducing flame) over the surface of the ingot so it cools from the bottom up, that way you can prevent the deep pipe characteristic of pure gold when it solidifies.
If your ingot has discoloration on the surface, what you should be doing is re-refining, not casting ingots. Pure gold will not discolor.