Half Stuck Recovery

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Hello all. I collected the gold fingers from hundreds of cards with tin snips, and over 300 processors. All this was from electronics made the 1990's. About 9 months ago I bought this kit from ebay.


Somewhere along the line I messed it up, and now I have all my gold in a five gallon bucket full of a green liquid, with some grey powder at the bottom. I saw a couple gold sparkles at the bottom in the grey powder. And my question is, how do I most cheaply get this gold recovered. I'de rather not waist more money and time with the e-bay thing. Do I pour off this liquid (after testing it), boil it down in something, or just give up already and pour it down the fence line ;D? I have no other experience in the recovery of gold. What can I use, AR? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Ok so you basicly have nitric acid looking at the add.

What have you done to make this solution? Please give step by step with good details for proper help. We can't read minds. 8)
Sounds like you have copper I chloride mixed with gold flakes in the bottom of the liquid.

Let everything settle a full 24 hours then carefully pour off the green liquid into a second 5 gallon pail. Test this liquid with stannous chloride to see if any of your gold is in there.

Pour fresh clean HCl in the first bucket with the gold flakes and gray powder. If the gray powder is copper I chloride the HCl will dissolve it into a dark brown/black solution. Use enough HCl to dissolve all of the gray powder. A couple of washes are most likely required. Let settle between each wash and pour off the dark acid after each wash. Be careful not to pour any gold powder or foils out with the acid. You can pour through a filter, but the bulk of the gold stays mostly in the bucket. The filter will catch any tiny bits that get poured out.

Once the gray is all gone you should have gold flakes and a brown or black sediment. This is all or part of your gold, depending on how the stannous test turns out for bucket two.

If the second bucket tests positive for gold then take a filtered small 100 mL sample and add dry SMB. If you get a brown sediment, then you can filter and treat the remainder of the second bucket the same way. Combine any gold recovered form bucket two with the left over gold from bucket one and perform a good boil in HCl until the HCl no longer darkens. Be sure to test the liquid from the wash process for dissolved gold also. If not post back here.

Once the gold foils and powders are washed with hot HCl, redissolve them in a very small amount of HCl and HNO3 (5:1) . Proceed as typical with resulting yellow/orange AR solution.

or just give up already and pour it down the fence line ;D?/quote]

never pour anything down the fence line or on the grown this this is very toxic and will find is way to the water table .

Im sure it was just a saying or you where joking.

keep in mind some one new to the form without knowing may read that part of your post and think its OK to just pour it anywhere when they need to get rid of it.

good day and safe refining
Wow! Yall folks stay on top of it! Thank you so much for your help, I am lost without it!

I did exactly what the "kit" told me to do. IIRC, I broke the CPU's with the tap of a hammer, cut all the fingers off a couple 55 gallon barrels of cards. I had a nylon mesh bag I threw all my fingers into, and dipped them into the real stinky liquid that takes your breath away. It was made from a half gallon or a whole gallon of HCl, and the other chemical (what ever the kit said, I forget). I kept dipping this sack of fingers until the shiny was all gone. Then I threw some processors into the mix, hoping it would melt all the good off them. But I guess it lost potency. I added some of the urea like it said, and nothing happened. So I added another tablespoon. Still nothing really. I then tried to filter all this stuff and my little filter mechanism wasn't up to par at all, thinking it would end up tipping over, I said lets throw a lid on this stinking mess and do it tomorrow. Almost a year later I am singing "Here I sit, broken hearted, tried to refine, but only started". I will try the described method, and pray for the best! Thanks everyone, Shalom!

ooh yea, I know I shouldn't dump it down the fence ;D. Didn't think of someone else reading that though, good lookin out!

ooh yea #2, what should I use to filter this? How?
Cricekt said:
Wow! Yall folks stay on top of it! Thank you so much for your help, I am lost without it!

I did exactly what the "kit" told me to do. IIRC, I broke the CPU's with the tap of a hammer, cut all the fingers off a couple 55 gallon barrels of cards. I had a nylon mesh bag I threw all my fingers into, and dipped them into the real stinky liquid that takes your breath away. It was made from a half gallon or a whole gallon of HCl, and the other chemical (what ever the kit said, I forget). I kept dipping this sack of fingers until the shiny was all gone. Then I threw some processors into the mix, hoping it would melt all the good off them. But I guess it lost potency. I added some of the urea like it said, and nothing happened. So I added another tablespoon. Still nothing really. I then tried to filter all this stuff and my little filter mechanism wasn't up to par at all, thinking it would end up tipping over, I said lets throw a lid on this stinking mess and do it tomorrow. Almost a year later I am singing "Here I sit, broken hearted, tried to refine, but only started". I will try the described method, and pray for the best! Thanks everyone, Shalom!

ooh yea, I know I shouldn't dump it down the fence ;D. Didn't think of someone else reading that though, good lookin out!

ooh yea #2, what should I use to filter this? How?

You should layer 4-5 coffee filters inside a strainer and filter the solution. Do a search on stannous chloride and learn how to make it and test your solution to make sure none of your gold is in solution.

When filtering don't try to pour the contents out of the 5 gal bucket into the filter, you will make a messand spill some of your solution. Transer it into a 1 gal pitcher and pour it into the filter from the pitcher.
I find the ad that Cricekt bought his "gold refining kit" from misleading and possibly dangerous. The dangers in handling powerful acids and compounds can be lessened if the proper precautions are taken while following procedures outlined on this forum as developed by "the old pros." I read and watched the discourse here on the forum for several months before I started any processes.

I kept dipping this sack of fingers until the shiny was all gone. Then I threw some processors into the mix, hoping it would melt all the good off them. But I guess it lost potency.

If you removed any solids with metal intact, such as fingers and processors, much of your gold will be cemented to the remaining metal. It won't look at all like gold anymore, more like a coating of soot or dirt. Do as lazersteve suggests as he is one of the experts here but don't dispose of anything yet.

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