Having some issues with dropping gold out of solution. About 3 months ago I dissolved about 4 grams of gold with AR, that solution sat covered till about a week ago so very little evaporated. Attempted to drop the gold with SMB, put quit a bit in there. On that note my SMB was probably 3-4 years old and a solid lump that I had to break up. Thought maybe the SMB was too old so I ordered some fresh stuff. Added that till it became super saturated and still nothing dropped. For a last ditch I threw some zinc in there just to try and drop everything and start the refining process over again. After 2 days of sitting there is some sediment at the bottom and the whole solution turned brown then settled with a clear liquid. But every time I test the liquid with SnCl the test spot turns mud brown like there is a bunch of gold still in solution (SnCl is fresh, just made it last week)… any help would be great.