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New member
Feb 25, 2014
Hi all

this is my first question i ask on this forum and i dont speak english that good so sorry for wrong spelling if a do so

this is for catalytic converters
-If i use hcl diluted with water and air bubbling tru it does it create Aqau regia?
-i asume if it does i need to heat the solution to start the process(like real AR)
-if air bubles stop the HNO3 stay in solution?
-if so do i need to evaporate of the excess nitric acid before i use Ammonium chloride?

thank you all

Dedobbeleer kevin from belgium
Your questions are hard to understand, I do not think it is a language problem, but how you are asking the question, which seems to be more than one questioned combined.

Air is mostly nitrogen with some oxygen, it is not that strong of an oxidizer when bubbled into HCL, the acid can only hold so much gases, which is also dependent on temperature, this creates a strong enough oxidizer to dissolve some metals like copper, but for many of the more noble metals it is not strong enough to oxidize them to any extent.

Basically to help answer your question, No you will not make aqua regia by adding air to HCl, you need HCl and HNO3 to make aqua regia.

You do not need air with aqua regia.

I did not understand this question:
If air bubbles stop the HNO3 stay in solution?
Bubbling in air will have little effect on the nitric in solution, about all it could do is maybe help some of the NO gas in solution convert back to NO2…
Air will not remove free nitric acid.
There are several ways to deal with excess or free nitric acid, using only amount needed where you can, using it up in the reaction, evaporation to drive it off as gases, or sulfamic acid,

Maybe if you rephrase the question, you can get a better answer to your question.

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