hcl and bleach

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h hutch1945

Apr 29, 2013
I used the peroxide and hcl to remove the foils which worked really well but now that I added the bleach and hcl it don't want to dissolve the foils, I used a 6% bleach not Clorox how long does it take to dissolve its been about 2 days should I let it work longer or get Clorox and start all over again. thanks
did you use fresh clean hcl? you make no mention of this. you cant use the old solution used to strip the foils.
Where did you get the foils? What exactly? Weight of
Each type of material? How much petoxide? % of peroxide
How much hcl and % of hcl? Did you wash your foils
Before attempting to dissolve if so how?
Did you decant or siphon of the AP(acid \peroxide)
First and than added new hcl and bleach or did you add
To the AP.?did you weigh your foils.
Did you use a fish bubbler or just agitate it?
Pictures always help.

Sorry bro but these are just some of the quistions that
My mind has spit out
The'll be plenty more
Did you read holkes ,it can be downloaded from a link
At the bottom of many members signature line(the little
Sayings at the end of the post)
In the mean time another link lasersteves video is spot
On for the AP process .watch it.

To answer your question if you take gold foils from say
Fingers off pc cards ,put them in a container (coffe pot,
Beaker,etc) cover the foils with hcl and slowly add say
30 ml of bleach(depends on amount of foils) stir watch
Add more untill there are no more foils it should happen
In a few minutes not days

Are you sure someone didn't do some extra laundry
And replaced the bleach with water so mom or the
Wife wouldn't know :lol:

Once your foils do dissolve steam the solution for an
Hour or so or just leave it in the sun (top off) for a day
Before you percipitate (drop your gold)

Also find out if you dont know stannous chloride is your
Welcome to the form.
Steyr223 rob
h hutch1945 said:
I used the peroxide and hcl to remove the foils which worked really well but now that I added the bleach and hcl it don't want to dissolve the foils, I used a 6% bleach not Clorox how long does it take to dissolve its been about 2 days should I let it work longer or get Clorox and start all over again. thanks
I washed my foils with Hcl several times and distilled water, used 3% peroxide and 31% Hcl which may be to weak, I had approx. 3 grams of foils, thanks for the help.
How much bleach did you add (in relation to the amount of acid) ? It should have only taken 10-15 minutes (probably less) to dissolve only 3 grams of foils. What I typically do, is to cover the foils with HCl, add maybe 5% (of the volume of the acid) bleach, and stir. Wait 3-4 minutes, give it another stir and if you still see foils add a little bit more bleach. You don't want to go crazy and add too much bleach, as this will just cause a cloud of Chlorine where you are working and also raise the PH of your solution. You want to keep your solution as acidic as possible. So something is definitely wrong with either the bleach or the HCl if you used fresh HCl, added the bleach and 24 hours later your foils didn't dissolve. Did the solution turn yellow? Do you have stannous to test your solution?

I washed my foils with Hcl several times and distilled
water, used 3% peroxide and 31% Hcl which may be to
weak, I had approx. 3 grams of foi

Thats perfect. Actually i used home depot 14% hcl before
It was understood that there are less % bottles that are
Not necessarily green and it worked fine.

Hum something is not right here
Did any of the foils dissolve?
If you still have an abundance of foils try a new batch of
Hcl and bleach on a small amount
Dont throw away your solution if you remove the foils untill
You have tested it with stannous (30ml hcl added to 2 grams
Of solder,heat just below a boil than put in a container
With lid off for a day)dip 1 cue tip in your solution another
cue tip in stannous and rub them together(do not put them
Back in either solition)

If they turn purple then you have dissolved or oxidized
Gold in that solution

I am telling u all the secrets this time with out getting on
Your case about searching, it wont happen very often
But i know the feeling of not being able to find that nugget
And trying to search and study 17 different things at the same
Time (never seems to work when your frusterated)

Especially when you did everything correct or as per
Instructed and it still doesn't work

Hay i just described the chemistry of refining

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