HCL - Clorox precipitant with crystals

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Aug 1, 2013
I have a question.
I ran a collection of pins (many different types), with AP. filtered, washed with HCL, digested with HCL - Clorox. 97% of metal dissolved ( mostly(90%) in AP, but rest in HCL - Clorox.). filtered until very clear.
Ended up with 1/2 gallon of solution, pins weighed in at 256 grams. Solution was deep emerald green.
Here is where the fun bus comes in. I took two small samples, dropped, separated and both went somewhat good.
The third sample, which leaves approx. 1/2 solution left, is giving me concerns. I dehydrated to 1/4 volume. added smb, when it starts to precipitate, it is very light. a stannus test shows pos. for gold and palladium. It also starts to form clear crystals.
I have tried adding H2O, and HCL, no help.
I would appreciate some input without being reamed for grammar.
I realize I am missing something, and proper alignment would be appreciated.
I would appreciate some input without being reamed for grammar.

It is not the grammar,which is your problem, your problem is, that you, if I got it right, did not dissolve all basemetals before using HCl/Cl. Your HCl/Cl solution should have become yellow. Try a search with words like "clean up the mess", "AP" and "chlorox". If nothing helps, cement on copper and start again with the incinerated and HCl-washed sediments.

I dehydrated to 1/4 volume. added smb, when it starts to precipitate, it is very light. a stannus test shows pos. for gold and palladium. It also starts to form clear crystals.
do you have excess chlorine in the solution? did you use too much smb?
if I follow your process outline correctly, this is my line of thinking...

when rinsing foils, an emerald green solution makes me think your solution has heave copper (maybe other base metals too) contamination. you stated on your third try, you 'dehydrated' your solution to a quarter of the volume... this makes me think that your contaminates have crystallized because the solution can no longer hold them in the liquid. Since you reduced the volume so much, it could require a considerable amount of acid to be added back to your solution to dissolve the crystals as they may have a low solubility.

this could be a situation where some photos may help if you have any....
After dissolving your foils in HCL/CL why did you " dehydrate " the AuCl ? When processing my foils I have always added distilled H2O and expand my AuCl to three times its volume. I also agree that you probably had some base metals that were in your solution when you dissolved the foils. Did you rinse the foils to the point that the rinse water and a acids ran clear before dissolving ?
I also agree that you probably had some base metals

"some"? His solution is "deep emerald green" and he had only dissolved 97% of the pins. That makes about 7,5g undissolved. So he has about 7 g basemetals and max. 0,5g gold in 1/2 gallon water (evaporated to 1/4 gallon).

Lots of basemetals, tiny amount gold and lots of water. Maybe still chlorine. After my little bit experience a good recipe for a poor precipitation. Someone may use too much SMB then, which also could give clear crystals. But I agree that the crystals may be caused the evaporation of water.

Clear crystals...I read this before...I would search for "crystals" and "precipitation".
Hi. You did not mention of testing the solution for gold.
You also mention you did not dissolve everything ending in Green solution.

Copper must be dissolved before gold will so my "guess" based upon my learning thus far would be your gold is still in powder form, plated back out from disolving copper.

I add alittle HCL and Clorox, wait and add a tad more as neccessary to get everything dissolved. Once everything is gone into solution, then add maybe half water and guess how much SMB to add. And let it sit for DAYS. Stirring every time I get antsy and want results. 4 times I've done this in the last month and every time Day 3, I get excited but let sit another day, then pour off solution and let sit a week or so as more drops.

My thinking is it takes a couple days for CL to gas off. Then SMB does it's thing.
Or... SMB drops gold but excess CL dissolves again. Continuing the fight untill 1 is depleated. I usually add alittle more SMB day2.
It's hard being patient...

This I have done after rinsing from AP and dissolved everything, getting a very dark emerald green solution with no problems.

Your crystals are probably everything dropping as a salt since you evaporated too much. My HCL-Clorox wash for gold trimmed glass did that after a month of sitting. I added HCL and stirred untill it redissolved and did more gold rimmed glass. Then dropped as usual.

BUT: Test, test, test to find the "hidden" gold.

...It's tough to be a Dr. ... You have to always Practice to have more patience...
Copper must be dissolved before gold will so my "guess" based upon my learning thus far would be your gold is still in powder form, plated back out from disolving copper.

He has dissolved 97% of all (only the basemetals) in AP.
The rest he has dissolved in HCl/Cl - then there can't be any gold be cemented back, - on what?

I wonder, if I did misunderstand him or, without wanting to be offending, if you folks did not really listen to him. :shock:
My mistake yes, in not rereading his post to see "everything dissolved".
However, look in the filter to see if anything might be there if solution is that green.

...Mistakes as simple as not reading every detail can form into an "accident"...
Hey guys whats tbe haps

Solor your to quick ,you should have put possably
1/2 gram of gold total in caps or made it stickout some how

To the op
This is a speck of powder so small you may have
Missed it

You had said you had good results with first 2 samples
What kind of results

I wouldnt worrie to much about the base metals or the
Colors as you are just trying to get your gold and probally
Are not interested in 3 or 4 9's puriry
Like the other posters are

No offense to any or to the op if i am mistaken in your

Hope this helps steyr223 rob

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