HCL Concentration

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Dec 7, 2011
i have not been able to find any reference to what concentration of hydrochloric acid to use when refining with aqua regia, alot of suppliers offer tech grade analytical grade, and general grade, but what percent concentration is best to use?
i have been researching heavily before ever trying this as i want to approach it in the most financially agreeable and safest way i can.
When most of us mention HCl, we usually refer to 31% concentration, unless mentioned otherwise...
welcome to the forum.

HCl, Muriatic acid, hydrochloric acid, can be bought at hardware stores, or where they sell brick, it is used to clean concrete. I get it for less than $7.00 (U.S.).

Many of the things we use for recovery or refining can be found in regular stores, some things can be ordered; some things can be made,

I will try and list some things you will not need all of these, but may depending on what your doing, this will not be a complete list, I will name some and a possible source.

HCl (muriatic), (hydrochloric acid) hardware, brick supply.
HNO3 (nitric acid), mining supply chemical supply (can be made) (for silver distill homade)
Potassium nitrate (stump remover, fertilizer) or sodium nitrate (fertilizer)
Sulfuric acid (98% drain cleaner) or (new battery acid)
H2SO4 (sulfuric acid), (98% drain cleaner) or (new battery acid) hardware, Napa auto parts
NH4OH (Ammonium Hydroxide), (household ammonia) grocery store
NH4Cl (ammonium chloride) (can be made household ammonia and HCL pH neutral)
Mining supply chemical supply
NaCl (sodium chloride) (non iodized table salt) grocery
NaNO3 (sodium nitrate) (salt petre)fertilizer farm and feed store, can order from garden supply
KNO3 (potassium nitrate) stump remover farm and feed
Na2S2O5 (SMB) (sodium metabisulfite) (note: ending ITE not ATE)
Wine bottle cleaner, stump remover (sodium pyrosulfite)
NaSO3 (sodium sulfite), water treatment chemical supply, mining shop
NaHSO3 (sodium bisulfite) pool chemical supply
NaHCO3 (sodium bicarbonate) (baking soda) grocery store
FeSO4 (ferrous sulfate) (copperas)(can be made soft Iron and 10% H2SO4) garden supply
Sn (tin) (95% tin solder 5%antimony hardware
SnCl2 (stannous chloride) (can be made95% tin and HCl) chemical supply
H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) 3% grocery 30% pool supply (??% Beauty supply?)
Na2CO3 (sodium carbonate)(soda ash)(washing soda) mining supply,
(Automatic dishwasher powder soap) grocery (soda ash pH pool supply)
(Baking soda heated 200 degrees decomposes to soda ash)
CaCO3 (calcium carbonate),(egg shells)
CaCO3 + MgCO3 (calcium magnesium carbonate), (Dolamite) feed and grain, garden
CaO (calcium oxide) (quick Lime)
K2CO3 (potassium carbonate) (lime) (make wood ash)
SiO2 (silica) (white sand), (make crushed glass). (White Quartz rock)
CaF2 (calcium fluoride) (fluorite) (fluorspar) rock shop,pottery supply, mining supply
BonAmi soap grocery
Na2B4O7 (borax) (20 mule team soap) mining supply, grocery store
(NH2)2CO urea fertilizer (this is better for grass than refining)
SO2 (sulfur dioxide gas) welding supply or can be made
NaCLO3 (sodium Clorate) mining supply (can be made with electrolysis brine)
(weed garden impure) (welding impure)
DMG (dimethyglyoxime) ebay
K2Cr2O7 (Potassium dichromate) chemical supply
Schwerters solution (silver test solution),(can be made with K2Cr2O7)
(CHOOH)2 (oxalic acid) (wood bleach) hardware
C2H2O4 (oxalic acid) (rust remover) hardware see above also.
Zn (zink) (some soft electrical conduit fittings), (scrap yard)
I2 (iodine) (horse hoof thrush medicine) feed and grain
C (carbon) (charcoal) (flour) (can make your own (wood burnt no air)
MgSO4 (magnesium sulfate), (Epsom salts) grocery
C12H26O3 (butyl diglyme) (BDG), (dibutyl carbtol) (DBC) organic solvent
O2 (oxygen) welding supply
C3H8 (propane) fuel supply, hardware
NaBr (bromide base) pool supply
NaHSO4 (sodium bisulfate) (pH minus (down) pool supply)
NaOH (sodium Hydroxide (LYE) (caustic soda) drain cleaner , chemical supply
NaClO (sodium hypochlorite) (Clorox bleach) grocery laundry
Cu (copper) electrical buss bar
HOKE's BOOK (a must read to learn this trade) (found in book section of forum)
(links also under many members posts) (free download)
(buying book worth every penny)
Hope this gives some clues where you can find some things.
Thanks a lot Butcher, i appreciate you going above and beyond, i have saved this information and will surely use it.
i have purchased the book already and have learned a great deal more than i already know, and am confident i will be able to perform the operations i am currently researching, i hope to start later this month.

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