Hello all , I'm a newbie and I'm attempting to leach gold from an ore that has sat for years and I'm not sure It has gold or if it's just pyrite help?

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The key in His process is the Reddish purple sulfide He get in His Pan.

I never seen that reddish purple sulfide before,and I have no idea what it is.

maybe can be mercury sulfide??

I Know that Arsenic sulfide color can range from yellow to orange.

But that sulfide He get in his pan
can something very dangerous.

some kind of sulfide can release harmful gases like H2S.
and H2S is a poison gas and in low concentration smell like rotten eggs.

If any one of You Guys Know something about that kind of sulfide He describe in His post
can You please explain to US.
It could be oxidized pyrite ( Hematite ), or pyrite in its various stages of oxidization. Could also be Bornite or Chalcopyrite. I don't know how much mineralogy knowledge Spoke27 has. It could be a host of other minerals as well. That is why an assay or ICP is handy. Keeps you from guessing, and possibly making a chemistry mistake, or performing the wrong test for the designated mineral.
The average by You Tube educated Joe and Jane walking in the hills finding a rock will google this post and go ahead and try it, without asking any safety question.
I wrote in the first post all the necessary precautions in such important points as (a) heating the alcohol and (b) evaporating the iodine.

I understand that it is possible to improve instruction details to the level of "don't handle hot things with your bare hands" and "don't put a cat in the microwave" guidelines, but I still assume that the reader is familiar with basic safety practices in chemistry and geology.
As I wrote, this is not a job for those who don’t understand anything about chemistry.

The average educated Joe and Jane also can walk in the hills, find a knife, and commit a crime.
If a person decides to do something stupid, no super-detailed instructions can stop her/him.

It is not possible to provide every detail and the forum cannot replace college teachers, so I really hope the readers are not children after all :)
I wrote in the first post all the necessary precautions in such important points as (a) heating the alcohol and (b) evaporating the iodine.

I understand that it is possible to improve instruction details to the level of "don't handle hot things with your bare hands" and "don't put a cat in the microwave" guidelines, but I still assume that the reader is familiar with basic safety practices in chemistry and geology.
As I wrote, this is not a job for those who don’t understand anything about chemistry.

The average educated Joe and Jane also can walk in the hills, find a knife, and commit a crime.
If a person decides to do something stupid, no super-detailed instructions can stop her/him.

It is not possible to provide every detail and the forum cannot replace college teachers, so I really hope the readers are not children after all :)
Sadly from time to time the ones Martijn describe come waltzing into the forum.
Some of them with an idea that they know it all.
Good afternoon

Yeah,sulfides need a little bit more work,if you directly leach them with strong acids you can generate Hydrogen Sulfide..a horrible rotten egg smell,highly toxic similar to cyanide poisoning mechanism.It can even contaminated your lixiviant with sulfides.Sometimes with sulfides to get the highest gold extraction efficiency,all other metals need to be removed if possible,to minimize acid consumption,metal ion contamination,because i know that with cyanide,no iron should be present or it will degrade it quickly overtime.

I have been working with sulfides for a while,It is crush-sizing-more crushing to make ore sand-calcination at 600 celcius-leach-Run leach residue through one more crushing and sizing,then store it for when i have enough LR to extract silver and Gold.

I have my leach residue stockpiled and waiting for the next extraction.

Hope my contribution helped.Please correct me if i am incorrect.

Hydrogen Sulfide | Medical Management Guidelines | Toxic Substance Portal | ATSDR (Hydrogen sulfide toxicity)
Good afternoon

Yeah,sulfides need a little bit more work,if you directly leach them with strong acids you can generate Hydrogen Sulfide..a horrible rotten egg smell,highly toxic similar to cyanide poisoning mechanism.It can even contaminated your lixiviant with sulfides.Sometimes with sulfides to get the highest gold extraction efficiency,all other metals need to be removed if possible,to minimize acid consumption,metal ion contamination,because i know that with cyanide,no iron should be present or it will degrade it quickly overtime.

I have been working with sulfides for a while,It is crush-sizing-more crushing to make ore sand-calcination at 600 celcius-leach-Run leach residue through one more crushing and sizing,then store it for when i have enough LR to extract silver and Gold.

I have my leach residue stockpiled and waiting for the next extraction.

Hope my contribution helped.Please correct me if i am incorrect.

Hydrogen Sulfide | Medical Management Guidelines | Toxic Substance Portal | ATSDR (Hydrogen sulfide toxicity
Excellent and thank you for explaining in details .
The danger of working with Sulfides
with out knowing what they are doing.

500-1000 ppm of H2S gas can kill a person almost instantly.

for that reason ,go inside many mine is dangerous.
Last edited:
Good afternoon

Yeah,sulfides need a little bit more work,if you directly leach them with strong acids you can generate Hydrogen Sulfide..a horrible rotten egg smell,highly toxic similar to cyanide poisoning mechanism.It can even contaminated your lixiviant with sulfides.Sometimes with sulfides to get the highest gold extraction efficiency,all other metals need to be removed if possible,to minimize acid consumption,metal ion contamination,because i know that with cyanide,no iron should be present or it will degrade it quickly overtime.

I have been working with sulfides for a while,It is crush-sizing-more crushing to make ore sand-calcination at 600 celcius-leach-Run leach residue through one more crushing and sizing,then store it for when i have enough LR to extract silver and Gold.

I have my leach residue stockpiled and waiting for the next extraction.

Hope my contribution helped.Please correct me if i am incorrect.

Hydrogen Sulfide | Medical Management Guidelines | Toxic Substance Portal | ATSDR (Hydrogen sulfide toxicity)
Can you please not advise to leach ores in acid please?
And to add to the OP: (who has not been back here since posting this question, Jan 13 by the way..)

a rock is only an ore if there are sufficient values in the rock to be mined with a profit.

Why are people calling rocks an ore? Because of shiny things in there? mica or pyrite? Stop wasting your time. And ours.
Until then it's leverite.
I was scolded on this forum for using nitric acid on an ore of Silver. After reading this post I can see why.

Why on Earth did you think that anything about your process was safe, correct, or even close to something you should be doing? I did hundreds of hours of reading, and research, before I ever considered using caustic acids to extract PM's, and I did it with my Dad who has a very strong understanding of chemistry and safety.

I am blown away.
I am quite the novice and thankfully I stumbled upon some reading material mentioning the dangers of mixing chlorine with several different chemicals, though I have made some stupid decisions regarding my processes of extracting gold from ore, as you have also admitted too,, leaving me to ponder on your ending of your comment. Am I reading this the wrong way? I think telling him to be more careful, do some reading and dust it off kid would do the man good. But hey, it's just my opinion.
I am quite the novice and thankfully I stumbled upon some reading material mentioning the dangers of mixing chlorine with several different chemicals, though I have made some stupid decisions regarding my processes of extracting gold from ore, as you have also admitted too,, leaving me to ponder on your ending of your comment. Am I reading this the wrong way? I think telling him to be more careful, do some reading and dust it off kid would do the man good. But hey, it's just my opinion.
Welcome to us Penny.
Remember we are dealing with potential deadly combinations here.
So we need people to be alert and on the ball, not fooling around.

We might be considered some inconsiderate trolls here, but it is for the common good and safety for all.
If you can't take this you need to toughen up and deal with it, or leave.
The reactions we deal with follows the law of nature and has no intention of good nor evil, thy just are doing what they do.

Since you seem to be processing here is some study material for you:

We ask our new members to do 3 things.
1. Read C.M. Hokes book on refining jewelers scrap, it gives an easy introduction to the most important chemistry regarding refining.
It is free here on the forum: Screen Readable Copy of Hoke's Book
2. Then read the safety section of the forum: Safety
3. And then read about "Dealing with waste" in the forum: Dealing with Waste

Suggested reading: The Library

I've tried multiple times with out success to take 200 grams of ore and add 4 cups of hydrochloric and 2bcups of Clorox is it that I'm supposed to be heating this mixture , it's very gassy and it's about 9 degrees outside so any help would be appreciated .
Also when panning this ore it's seems that there is a reddish purple sulfide that is primarily in my pan is this my gold ?
Stop doing anything and research this stuff.. your mixing chemicals and organics without understanding the real dangers your playing with. I'm new to this forum but I've done this stuff for years and years and still will never mix anything that I have no real information about. Glad your doing it outside but you need to be patient and do way more research. And looking at the thread you have many people concerned for your safety and until everyone knows your going to be safe your probably not going to get their wisdom.
Stop doing anything and research this stuff.. your mixing chemicals and organics without understanding the real dangers your playing with. I'm new to this forum but I've done this stuff for years and years and still will never mix anything that I have no real information about. Glad your doing it outside but you need to be patient and do way more research. And looking at the thread you have many people concerned for your safety and until everyone knows your going to be safe your probably not going to get their wisdom.
The OP has not been back since posting these two posts.
I hope he did not breath the result of his experiment.
The OP has not been back since posting these two posts.
I hope he did not breath the result of his experiment.
I use to love YouTube and we had it before they sold out to ads right and I can deal with that but there are so many videos that I watch and it irrates me that all the false information can stay and cause anyone to blow themselves up or poison themselves but blocks and deletes anyone who actually has something they feel true and ends up upsetting someone sensitive. Hmm emotional damage or chemically burning yourself to a choma or death
The OP has not been back since posting these two posts.
I hope he did not breath the result of his experiment.
I say youtube but in reality this forum took me alot to find and there's not just YouTube there's p3ople posting forums blogs whatever that some dink who didn't research anything posts their crap like the free electricity forums/videos lmfao
I wrote in the first post all the necessary precautions in such important points as (a) heating the alcohol and (b) evaporating the iodine.

I understand that it is possible to improve instruction details to the level of "don't handle hot things with your bare hands" and "don't put a cat in the microwave" guidelines, but I still assume that the reader is familiar with basic safety practices in chemistry and geology.
As I wrote, this is not a job for those who don’t understand anything about chemistry.

The average educated Joe and Jane also can walk in the hills, find a knife, and commit a crime.
If a person decides to do something stupid, no super-detailed instructions can stop her/him.

It is not possible to provide every detail and the forum cannot replace college teachers, so I really hope the readers are not children after all :)
I'd agree you shouldn't have to hold their hand or explain safety on any threads like this... I think the reactions like mine are to the OP 1 mid attempt and posting already mixed so to get basic or even just a few extra days of research before attempting... very rarely is something going to be the first time anyone in the world has done something so taking the extra effort to find what others do. like my brother in law now 33 but when we lived together he at 19 kid you not mixed bleach and ammonia to clean a stain. Mind u I kept my chemicals in seperate places. It was say the 3rd time in 2 years he did it that I padlocks every chemical in my house. But after the third time I understood it doesn't matter how many times it takes for you to actually learn something there's always someone who doesn't grasp onto things a quick as others.
I use to love YouTube and we had it before they sold out to ads right and I can deal with that but there are so many videos that I watch and it irrates me that all the false information can stay and cause anyone to blow themselves up or poison themselves but blocks and deletes anyone who actually has something they feel true and ends up upsetting someone sensitive. Hmm emotional damage or chemically burning yourself to a choma or death
Youtube is a vicious cycle, learn how to do dangerous stuff, die from it, then become part of a Darwin award which gets posted back up in another Youtube video. Cycle complete.