Ive been looking for a new pass time, something to keep me entertained. After watching a few sreetips youtube videos, I became very intrigued. The hunt, thrill, and patience is exactly what I'm looking for in a hobby.
I'm at the learning, gathering and building portion of my new hobby. I discovered gold refiners last night while I was searching for "diy scrubbing system". I feel like I struck gold!
I will definitely use this as a resource and browse through the various posts (old and new) and learn everything I can, making sure not to make the same mistakes.
What that said,
Thank you for having me!
I'm at the learning, gathering and building portion of my new hobby. I discovered gold refiners last night while I was searching for "diy scrubbing system". I feel like I struck gold!
I will definitely use this as a resource and browse through the various posts (old and new) and learn everything I can, making sure not to make the same mistakes.
What that said,
Thank you for having me!