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New member
Aug 9, 2013
Are there some that can help with aqua regia.
I have nitric acid 53% & 30% hydrochloric acid
What conditions do I mix these to get the best aqua regia

thanks in advance

Okay, since I love Bornholm, here some hints:

1) use search function
2) download Hoke for free and read
3) safety section and guided tour on this forum are mandatory
4) repeat 1-3 until you can ask a question so precisely, that you can't find a similar question inklusive answer on the board

...did I say, I love Bornholm? Beautiful little perl of an island....
How many people on that island?

What exactly are you attempting to refine and i say refine
Not recover
There are only a handfull of processes that require A/R
For recovery(gathering all your gold foils that have
Been seperated from 97% of your base metals)

After seperating you would usually use A/R to dissolve
Your pretty gold foils that you recovered


Depending on what material you are working with
Why not use hcl and bleach

Steyr223 rob
You do not make up a batch of AR and then subject your material to the solution. The reason being is that the secondary reactions will burn up your HNO3 too fast, or you will be left with excess HNO3 in solution that you have to rid yourself of before attempting to precipitate.

The fact you don't know this leads me to believe you have not yet studies, nor read, the information you need to, nor have educated yourself in any other way so that you can process your material successfully.

Read as others have suggested, C. M. Hoke, Refining Precious Metal Wastes, you can download it here:

Even if you don't understand it right away, you will at least be somewhat familiar with the language we use on this forum, and can communicate more effectively. But before you do, read it again and try to understand as much as possible. Then, and only after you have done so, read some of the processes. Read about how to recover your values, and then how to refine them. Use the search function and find posts that relate to what it is you are attempting to do. Refer to C. M. Hoke as many times as you have to, and then if you have questions or problems, post on the forum.

This forum, in case you missed it at the door, is "refiners helping refiners". If you don't have a basic understanding prior to asking questions, people are going to jump all over you. And believe me when I say this, this forum is the single most important repository of information regarding the recovering and refining precious metals anywhere on the internet, and probably any college or public library. You are going to want to read and educate yourself before asking people for help with some of the most dangerous solutions of acids, and processes, you could possibly choose to play with. Nobody is going to want to explain to you in great painful detail how to kill yourself, so unless you educate yourself and understand what you are asking first, nobody is going to want to answer your questions.


With your question it is hard to give you a good answer, because when most of us make our aqua regia we will use the HCl and add nitric in small amounts to dissolve the gold, this way we do not have excess nitric to remove after the gold is in solution, we do not dissolve our gold until we remove the base metal, this way we get a clean solution of gold chloride, removing the troublesome base metals, and improve the gold purity, making it easier to recover the gold when we precipitate it back out of solution (leaving the base metals that followed the processes this far in solution, the gold is normally refined again to give us a higher purity of gold.

Aqua regia is hard to deal with if you have not used it before, and depending on what material you are working with there are other methods to dissolve gold, HCl and NaClO sodium hypochlorite (household bleach), or HCl and concentrated H2O2 will dissolve gold if it is in foils or a powdered state, and these are much easier to remove the oxidizer making precipitating gold easier.

According to Hokes it takes 4 fl. oz. HCl (32%) and 1 fl. oz. HNO3 (69%) to dissolve one troy ounce of gold.
This is 118.29 ml HCl and 29.57ml HNO3 per troy ounce of gold.
3.8ml HCl and 0.95ml HNO3 per gram of gold.

Gold should not be dissolved along with base metals.

You may find you need less nitric, as stated above we normally add it in small amounts only as needed, what I do is measure out as much nitric as I think I may need, and add it in small amounts as I heat the gold in HCl, this helps from adding too much nitric, making it easier to de-noxx the solution later.

Because you had to ask how you make the aqua regia, we know you have much to learn before you try this, that is the reason they are telling you to read Hokes book and study the forum, recovery and refining gold is not as simple as people would like to believe, there is so much a person needs to understand, there are many processes to recover the gold, and separate the base metals, there is many danger a person needs to understand, and then there is dealing with the toxic waste generated (see dealing with waste in our safety section), there are many ways a person can create problems and lose his gold, educating yourself is the only way to learn to recover and refine gold, and with Hokes and the forum you can learn to do it. it will take you time and there is so much you will need to learn, Hokes Book will cover the basic principles, the forum fills in some details that helps to compliment Hokes work, and then the forum has many recovery methods for electronic waste which help you to recover gold from that scrap, a good place to begin on the forum is with the guide to the forum in the general chat section, you will also find the general reaction list there as well as the welcome to the forum that every forum member should read.
The safety section and dealing with waste is also a must read.

Welcome to the forum, start studying the materials suggested, if you come into something you do not understand ask, the forum likes helping people who work hard to learn this skill and art, we cannot teach you how to do it, but sometimes we can help when you run into problems learning how.

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