Help! Getting married and trying to refine sentimental family jewellery into weddings bands

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P.S. one detail I need to add rinse the gold in the filter with distilled water 3-4 times to ensure all of the acid is removed. 98% is more than pure enough to re-alloy and make new rings out of. I probably did this 2-3 times a month for clients with everything from grandmas old rings and necklaces to Grandpa's dental gold etc.
Your welcome. Just be very careful. Do not breath the nitric fumes etc. To say they're bad for you is a extreme understatement do it outside and stay up wind or in a fume hood. I always let the solution cool completely in the fume hood till no fumes were going off before decanting the solution and filtering the gold out.
Gentlemen why make this difficult. As a former jeweler who regularly refined scrap for customers reslloyed and made misc. Take and weigh your scrap add 4-5 times the weight in pure silver and melt it together stirring thoroughly and while nice and liquid carefully pour it into a metal gallon coffee can full of water causing it to cornflake/ shot. Take the sh0t. Place it in a 12 cu glass coffee pot with 2-3 cups of water and 1/2 cup of hydrogen peroxide. Then add nitric acid very slowly about 2 tablespoons to start with place on low just warming heat and let it slowly react overnight outside away from anything you don't want to rust or if as you mentioned you have access do it in a fume hood. Cover the coffee pot top with cling wrap or press and seal to keep the fumes in. The peroxide will help to keep the fumes down also. Add additional nitric acid as needed in small additions on heat until all of the silver is dissolves/parted. This will leave behind all of your gold in a fine powder at about 98% purity and all of the base metals and silver should be in solution. Carefully pour off as much solution as possible and then filter the gold out through a coffee filter. Dry it and take it to your jeweler to alloy appropriately for the grade if metal you want in your rings.
On the solution. Add salt and you should get a lovely cottage cheese looking precipt known as silver chloride. Store this in an air tight container under a layer of water and if you wish to you can find the appropriate way to convert this back to silver metal elsewhere on the forum. Your jeweler could also do all if this for you in his playing fumehood if he wished to do so simply give him the info. He will also be able to roll the metaled button out flat and thin and cut it into pieces that would dissolve much faster than shot. Good luck to you on this. Sincerely
Ron White
This route will work but may be completely overkill with the Silver.
He needs to get an approximate idea of his karat values so he can add the right amount of Silver.
Too little and it will not part correctly and too much and the Gold will be in a very fine powder that may be hard to settle properly.

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