It is difficult to shoot from the hip and assume the process the manufacturer is proposing, so maybe if we dissect the equipment you have and figure out what each piece does we can come up with a different more user/environment friendly method for your equipment to process the material you wish to process.
To me the closed head tanks look like some sort of connected by transfer plumbing pressurized reactors and there is some sort of electrolytic recovery based on what appears to be a rectifier. The 4 connected square tanks look like either cascading rinse tanks or a tumbling barrel that progresses through 4 tanks to strip the parts.
Knowing what sequence you progress through the system and what of their chemistry is used at each step maybe we can figure this out. If they have instructions (ideally in English) you could post that would help.
i have attached a picture with the items lettered on each part of the machine
"A" is the stripping tanks
it has an automated bucket that you load apporx 100kg of ram into the bucket with fine holes in it which soaks in the first tank for 5 mins approx. then goes to the next tank and rinses off all the way down to tank 4 then empty's out after wards and start the process again i did 300kg as that all i had at the time. the solution still stripped the gold plating off pretty quickly..
from there the solution travels via pump to a large vaccum filter and sucks through into the first holding tank on ground level behind the mixing tank "b"
"B" is a mixing tank that you mix up the stripping solution and then its pumped to the first tank "a"
onced throught the filter the solution is then pumped into the holding tank behind b on ground level then goes in to the tank "c" this is where the precipitation goes
they say it takes 5 -6 hours it has a mixing blades inside " C" solution with NaOH is added which i belive to be sulphur from the tests i had done by xrp.
"The liquid in the "C" reduction tank is about 700L. Add 7kg NaOH and 8kg C chemical, stir for more than 6 hours, turn off the stirring motor, let the liquid stand for 1-2 hours, and then filter"
after the precipitation the solution filters through a vaccum in which all going well there is meant to be a black dust which is the gold.
After filtering, transport the liquid to the "D" enrichment tank. After the transportation is complete, add zinc powder or zinc wire. Zinc wire is cheaper and easier to buy. The amount of zinc powder added is 0.2-0.3g/L, or zinc wire is 0.3-0.4g/L. React for 5-6 hours after adding, stand for 1-2 hours after reaction, and then filter. The filtrate is put into a vacuum storage tank to observe whether the liquid level gauge is clear.
Then can disgard the waste solution
This is the process they have told me to follow