Help me please!!

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Hiya everyone ive been reading like mad for the last few days to learn the trade and I have to say it's a very steep learning curve!!, today I tested heat on a few things, cpu's worked great all the pins just came off like they were stuck on with butter, the fingers however turned from gold to a copper color Yiiikes!, does this change in color mean I have burnt the gold off the finger? or is it just some discoloration, I haven't purchased chemicals yet im awaiting my safety gear.. have my lab coat though lol, so im like a sponge at the moment, any help or advice on this matter is much much appreciated!

ive been reading like mad for the last few days to learn the trade
I've been reading for two years and I'm still learning so what you need to do is read some more and read hoke's book and visit lazersteve's website for some video how too .
oh and don't forget to donate to this wonderful forum and that goes for all that have not . 8) chow for now
The gold is not gone, just hiding.
It sounds to me like you have heated pins that have gold electroplated over copper or a nickel alloy. The gold plating is quite thin. When you heat it, the metals can dissolve into each other even when they are well below their melting points. You can still use AR to recover the gold, but it would have been easier (and cheaper) if you had stripped the gold off before heating them.
ahh thankyou, yeah im reading hokes book lol, and im on lazersteves site just having a bit of trouble with the buffering ha, thankyou for that info chemist absoloutly spot on but wouldnt nitric acid dessolve the copper in the newly formed alloy and leave me with some gold flakes? thanks guys XD
Hey karath, isn't that the principle of inquartation ? ask Hoke to be sure and you will get the fastest answer ever !

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