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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2010
i am new to gold refining and have tried alot of ways to dissolve gold hcl and bleach,hcl and peroxide and nothing seems to be happening.I have tried every time to drop what i hope was desolved gold with SMB but have not seen any brown material drop to the bottom of my beakers.How can i test my SMB to make sure it is what they say it is and where do i find Tin i am thinking lead less solder .Help me with the dropping part had no luck what so ever.Been useing plated pins i got on ebay .Any reply would be deeply apperciated

Mind telling us what and how many pins did you try to process and what exactly did you do before the drop attempts?
Please do not post the same subject more than once.I promise we will see it.
As far as the pins,as soon as you can answer sam,we can go from there and start trying to get you on the right path.
But I want to add this,you stated that you've tried different methods and nothing happened.......then there would be nothing to drop if nothing went into solution.
So that I don't get ahead of anyone else,lets start with what you used(chemicals) and if you got the pins off of ebay please post the auction number so we know exactly what material we are dealing with also.You may have purchased E-Crap...not E-Scrap.
Thank you.

No one is allowed to make duplicate posts on this forum. I deleted the other four. You deserve some sort of award. I don't think anyone has ever made 5 identical posts before. The record before you came along was a paltry 3.
Sorry about the excessive post but getting desparate here.I tried 20 grams of pins with AP to try and remove the base metals.I was left with almost dissovled pins and good bit of what lookked like gold flakes.I filtered and then added the filtrate to a HCL and clorox solution.It bubbled and made a good bit of chlorine gas and the liquid was a yellow to tint green color.I dissovled my socalled SMB and diluted my solution and added the SMB with no it ok to add SMB to a HCl solution or should it be diluted. Tried another 15 grams of seperate set ofpins with the same results.Maybe my pins are bogus ,could someone point me in the right direction to get started in this endevore with some results.
See... the problem is, with very small quantities of gold is that to the un-trained eye it looks like nothing happend...
let your dropped solutions sit for 24 hour and then look at the bottom and may be see a minute amout of black powder... i mean only traces...

considering that pins usually run at about 0.1% gold by mass, with 20 grams you can expect no more 0.02 +- grams of gold, in a powder mode it is almost undetectable....

Take a look at this drop, this is about 1 gram of gold in a 100ml solution
Dammit, when will you guys ever learn?

I've seen NO mention of testing with stannous chloride.

Did you test? If so, did you get a purple/black result?

If not, why would you expect any gold to precipitate?

You are working with miniscule traces of gold in your samples. The very idea that you stated that you had added the remains of pins along with gold flakes sends up a red flag for me. Unless you totally dissolved all of the pins, along with traces of gold, there's no reason to expect any gold to be in solution. It would have been cemented by the base metals remaining (the pins).

Read Hoke---and learn to test your solutions, which will help avoid asking questions that need not be asked. When you read Hoke, digest EVERYTHING she teaches in regards to testing, and learn how to apply this priceless information. It isn't there for you to pick and choose the part(s) that appeal to you---it's there to lead you to the point where you understand what's happening, and why. so you will achieve the success you desire.

samuel-a said:
See... the problem is, with very small quantities of gold is that to the un-trained eye it looks like nothing happend...
let your dropped solutions sit for 24 hour and then look at the bottom and may be see a minute amout of black powder... i mean only traces...

considering that pins usually run at about 0.1% gold by mass, with 20 grams you can expect no more 0.02 +- grams of gold, in a powder mode it is almost undetectable....

Take a look at this drop, this is about 1 gram of gold in a 100ml solution

Yep. Such a small amount when precipitated may look like nothing to a newcomer. Another thought I also had is that the gold (if any) might be redissolving into solution if the solution wasnt denoxed. This is why Harold's suggestion to test is a good idea. Test test test.

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