If this were whole cell phone board you could have a mess in aqua regia, normally you would want to remove other base metals before using aqua regia.
The tin in solution from the solder on the circuit boards can rob you of your gold.
Base metals will cement gold from solution if there is any metal remaining un-dissolved, it can leave gold as fine black powder, or if everything dissolves it can make recovery of gold more difficult to remove from solution, by normal means, also you say nothing about removing nitric acid from the solution, or testing your solution for dissolved values.
At this point you have a problem and want help, the best help you will get is to be able to understand how to recover and refine properly, it would take a thousand answers to tell you everything you need to learn, but you are lucky there is a book free download in the book section that can help you begin to understand the many things you need to know it is called Hoke's book, it is very easy to read and understand, she will not tell you how to do cell phones but she will teach you everything you need to know to work on any materials you run across as long as you understand the principles she teaches.
At this point you need to put a thick bar of clean copper metal into the solution let it sit in a safe place cover it but do not seal it so gas can escape, this will cement anything of value out of solution, do not throw anything away (at this point you do not know where the values are).
Go to the book section and download Hokes book (links are also in many of the members signature lines), and start reading Hoke's (you will read about cementing with metals in her book), also read the safety section and dealing with waste.
Do not expect to get gold for a while, spend time studying and collecting scrap materials to recover the values from after you understand how, other wise you will just lose your money or values by not knowing how to recover or refine, we can help but first you need an understanding of how and why, this you will get after a lot of homework, we cannot tell you how to take every step you will need to take in this journey, but after you learn to walk we can help with the things that can trip you as you walk, and after you begin to learn to walk the forum will help you run.
Also be prepared this can be a longer journey than you think it is at this point.
there is a lot to learn in the art of recovery and refining of metals, it is not hard but takes time to learn, there are many small details that can trip you if you do not understand them, Hokes book will teach you how to recover or refine without tripping all of the time and throwing away the gold or other precious metals, and what to do any why, and how to refine what you recover to high purity, and how to keep from losing the values in your solutions, and teaches you how to tell when there is or is not values in the solutions.