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Mar 5, 2023
Hello im not sure if what im doing is right or good but i have some gold ore/ rocks with gold , silver, i think Platinum, and im sure other precious metals, but i am crushing the rocks and trying to break them down and then i pan it and take out the gold flakes, it still dirty alittle bit i cant get it completely clean! Is there a way to do this easier? Like separating the gold from the rock? Or is there step by step documented instructions on how to do this at home with a small collection of gold ore? Look at first picture! AND I HAVE BEEN THROWING THE SAND AWAY!🙃, So, i seen someone saying not to throw the sand is this correct? And Also, my boyfriend, has tried to melt it the gold flakes we pulled from paning it. Well my bf tried using a potato and borax , and a torch to melt the flakes i pulled from paning it, and look at the 2nd picture, cuz this is what we have gotten and its not yellow yellow gold. Its green and had boreax on it do i crush it again and he melts again snd its still not yellow and some parts are with borax and So what are we doing wrong. What are the document steps please? There is some solid pieces in their but its not yellow gold, do what should we be doing?


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Welcome to the forum.
I think most memers have had enough of rock posts.
Watch mount baker mining on you tube to see how to get values out of ore.
The other advice hard rock prospectors get is have the ore assayed.

There are chemical ways to determine if your ore contains gold, silver or pgm's.
That takes study of safety, waste treatment and perforimg the chemical processes.

I hope your ore is very rich.

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